Changes the trades of a villager.
The villager will become a nitwit if it doesn't have any profession assigned when using this mechanic.
Attribute | Aliases | Description | Default |
action | mode, m | The action to perform. Can be ADD , REMOVE ,REPLACE
slot | s , index | The slot to be selected for the action. Slot starts at 0, so if a villager has 3 trades, the middle trade would be slot 1 | 0 |
ingredient | item, ingredient1, item1, i, i1 | The first ingredient | STONE |
ingredient2 | item2, i2 | The second ingredient | |
result | r | The result item of the trade | STONE |
maxUses | uses, u | The uses of the trade | |
experienceReward | expReward, exp, dropExp | If the trade should drop experience | false |
villagerExp | villExp, vexp | The amount of experience to give to the villager upon successful trade | 0 |
priceMultiplier | multiplier | The multiplier for the price when the player has made the villager angry | 0 |
demand | d | The demand of the trade | 1 |
specialPrice | special | The special price for when the villager is friendly to the player (player reputation or hero of the village effect) | 1 |
ignoreDiscounts | discounts | If the discounts should be ignored | false |
Type: Villager
Display: 'OwO'
- addTrade{item=DIAMOND 1;item2=EMERALD 2;result=IRON_INGOT 3;expReward=True;villExp=999;multiplier=0} @self ~onDamaged
- addTrade{action=REPLACE;slot=1;item=DIRT 1;item2=COAL 2;result=DIAMOND_BLOCK 3;expReward=True;villExp=999;multiplier=0} @self ~onSignal:rev
- setTrade
- removeTrade
- replaceTrade