The Drops tag can be added to your custom mobs to allow them to drop items of your choice upon their death. There are three types of custom drops available in MythicMobs to distinguish between.
Drops are the simplest way to implement custom drops.
Drops Configuration
Type: <mobtype>
- <drop> <amount> <chance>
- <drop> <amount> <chance>
- ...
Can be either an item from MythicMobs, a vanilla item, exp, a drop table or an item/experience for a supported plugin. The list of available Drop Types is displayed below
The amount of items to be dropped.
Can be a number range, for example: 1-3
or 1to3
In this case, the number of dropped items will never be smaller than the leftmost number and never be equal or greater to the rightmost number
will drop at least 1 item and at most 2 items
The chance for the specified item to be dropped.
- Must be a number between 0 and 1
- Note: allows percentage chances. (10% instead of 0.1).
Drop Types
Type | Explanation | Example |
MythicMob | Will drop a MythicMob | |
Mythic Item | Will drop a Mythic Item | |
champions-exp | Will drop experience points for the plugin Champions . |
skillapi-exp | Will drop experience points for the plugin SkillAPI
heroesexp | Will drop experience points for the plugin Heroes . |
mcmmo-exp | Will drop experience points for the plugin MCMMO . |
- mcmmo-exp 69
exp | Will drop regular Minecraft experience points. | - exp 420 |
money | Will drop money for the plugin Vault . |
- money 1500 |
mythicdrop <item> | Will drop an <item> from the plugin MythicDrops . |
- mythicdrop CoolSword 1 |
phatloot | Will drop an &item from the plugin PhatLoot . |
- phatloot LootTableName 1 |
command | Will run a command in console. | - cmd{c="warp <> spawn"} 1 |
mmoitems | Drops a mmoitems item |
- mmoitems{type=SWORD;id=CUTLASS} 1 1 |
nothing | Will drop nothing. Can help while creating weighted droptables | - nothing |
This example will have a 20% chance of dropping 3 diamonds, a 60% chance to run a command and a 12% chance to drop between 100 and 600 exp
- diamond 3 0.2
- cmd{c="crate give <> RewardCrate 1"} 1 0.6
- exp 100to600 0.12
In-line Drops
For very basic equipment, you can add some inline item data so that you don't always have to create a mythic item. You can use all the item data from Inline Item Configurations!
- leather_chestplate{name="Dark Leather";lore="&8A vest made of darkened leather";color=BLACK} 1 1
The below drops section will drop a Panda player head item that has 2 enchants on it, and will drop 3 pieces of diamond armor that all have names, lore, and enchantments on them!
- PLAYER_HEAD{skullTexture=eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjY0NjNlNjRjZTI5NzY0ZGIzY2I0NjgwNmNlZTYwNmFmYzI0YmRmMGNlMTRiNjY2MGMyNzBhOTZjNzg3NDI2In19fQ==;enchants=WATER_WORKER:1,OXYGEN:3} 1 1
- DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE{name="Panda<&sq>s Will";lore="A Panda must be vigilant";enchants=PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:4,DURABILITY:3,MENDING:1,THORNS:2} 1 1
- DIAMOND_LEGGINGS{name="Panda<&sq>s Strength";lore="A Panda must be strong";enchants=PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:4,DURABILITY:3,MENDING:1,THORNS:2} 1 1
- DIAMOND_BOOTS{name="Panda<&sq>s Speed";lore="A Panda must be fast";enchants=PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:4,DURABILITY:3,MENDING:1,PROTECTION_FALL:4,DEPTH_STRIDER:3} 1 1