Drops a Mythic Item
Attribute | Aliases | Description | Default |
level | lvl, l | The level of the item | |
lootsplosion | lootsplosionenabled, ls | Whether lootsplosion should be enabled | |
itemvfx | itemvfxenabled, iv | Whether item vfx should be enabled | |
itemvfxmaterial | itemvfxmaterial, ivm | The material of the item vfx | |
vfxdata | vfxd | The custom model data of the material for the item vfx | |
vfxcolor | vfxc, color | The color of the item vfx | |
hologramname | hologramnameenabled, hn | Whether an hologram for the drop should be enabled | |
clientsidedrops | clientsidedropsenabled, csd | Whether client side drops should be enabled | |
itemglowcolor | glowcolor, gc | The glow color of the drop | |
itembeamcolor | beamColor, bc | The beam color of the drop | |
billboarding | billboard, bill | Billboarding for the drop | |
brightness | bright, b | Brightness of the drop |
- SuperCoolItem{lootsplosion=true} 2 0.5