These are all of the placeholders and special characters you can use in skills and mechanics that use strings. There are some examples of usage at the bottom to get you started.
Note: Usage of many variables in skills are locked to the premium versions, excluding MMOCore, special characters, color codes, and setvariable
- Special Characters
- Color Codes
- Additional Placeholders
- Placeholders
- Placeholder Attributes
- PlaceholderAPI Integration
- Custom Placeholders
- Examples
Special Characters
Placeholder | Function | Symbol |
<&co> | Returns a colon | : |
<&sq> | Returns an apostrophe | ' |
<&da> | Returns a dash | - |
<&bs> | Returns a backslash | \ |
<&fs> | Returns a forward slash | / |
<&sp> | Returns a space | |
<&cm> | Returns a comma | , |
<&sc> | Returns a semicolon | ; |
<&eq> | Returns an equals symbol | = |
<&dq> | Returns double quotes | " |
<&rb> | Returns a right bracket | ] |
<&lb> | Returns a left bracket | [ |
<&rc> | Returns a right curly bracket | } |
<&lc> | Returns a left curly bracket | { |
<&nm> | Returns a number sign | # |
<&nl> | Forces a new line | |
<&heart> | Returns a heart | ❤ |
<&skull> | Returns a skull and bones | ☠ |
Color Codes
These color codes work anywhere in mob- and skill-files. They will even properly format tellraw-commands used in command skills!
Legacy color codes:
Code | Color | Code | Color |
&0 | Black | &B | Aqua |
&1 | Dark Blue | &C | Red |
&2 | Dark Green | &D | Light Purple |
&3 | Dark Aqua | &E | Yellow |
&4 | Dark Red | &F | White |
&5 | Dark Purple | &K | Magic |
&6 | Gold | &L | Bold |
&7 | Gray | &M | Strike through |
&8 | Dark Gray | &N | Underline |
&9 | Blue | &O | Italic |
&A | Green | &R | Reset |
It's recommended that you use MiniMessage tags for text styling and text decorations. Here's an example using MiniMessage tags:
- message{m=<rainbow>This text is a rainbow</rainbow> but <red>this is red</red>!} @target
- message{m=<#bae5f4>This is a cool color that I picked from</#bae5f4> <red><click:open_url:>color-hex site</click></red>} @target
MiniMessage also has a web viewer to see what your text will look like in game.
Additional Placeholders
Links to placeholders added by addon plugins. Any placeholders from these links will not work without that plugin installed.
Caster Placeholders
These placeholders will return whatever attribute of the caster that is called. For instance <caster.l.y.#>
will return the caster's Y location.
Caster Placeholder | Function |
<caster.damage> | Returns the caster's Attack_Damage attribute value |
<caster.display> | Returns the caster's displayed name |
<caster.mythic_type> | Returns the caster's internal mob type |
<caster.type> | Returns the internal id of a MythicMob or the entity name otherwise |
<> | Returns the display name of a MythicMob or the entity name otherwise |
<caster.uuid> | Returns the UUID of the caster |
<caster.level> | Returns the level of the caster |
<> | Returns the name of the caster |
<caster.hp> | Returns current hp of the caster |
<caster.mhp> | Returns the max hp of the caster |
<caster.php> | Returns the percent hp of the caster |
<caster.thp> | Returns the full number hp of the caster |
<> | Returns the name of the top threat holder of the caster |
<caster.l.w> | Returns the world name the caster is in |
<caster.l.x> | Returns the X coordinate of the caster |
<caster.l.x.#> | Returns the X coordinate of the caster +- random number between # |
<caster.l.x.double> | Returns the precise X coordinate of the caster |
<caster.l.y> | Returns the Y coordinate of the caster |
<caster.l.y.#> | Returns the Y coordinate of the caster +- random number between # |
<caster.l.y.double> | Returns the precise Y coordinate of the caster |
<caster.l.z> | Returns the Z coordinate of the caster |
<caster.l.z.#> | Returns the Z coordinate of the caster +- random number between # |
<caster.l.z.double> | Returns the precise Z coordinate of the caster |
<caster.l.yaw> | Returns the yaw of the caster |
<caster.l.pitch> | Returns the pitch of the caster |
<caster.stance> | Returns the current stance of the caster |
<caster.stat.STAT_NAME> | Returns the value of the specified stat on the caster |
<caster.heldenchantlevel.#> | Returns the enchant level of specified # enchant |
<caster.skill.[skill_name].cooldown> | Returns the current cooldown of the give skill as a float number |
<caster.raytrace.#> | Returns the name of the block being looked at by the caster if within # range, if # is specified. If only <caster.raytrace> is used, then the range defaults to 4.5 . If no block is found, AIR is returned. |
<caster.children.size> | Returns the number of children this entity has |
<caster.attack_cooldown> | Returns the attack cooldown of the player's equipped item. The value will be a float between 0 (maximum cooldown for the item) and 1 (no cooldown) |
Variable Placeholders
These placeholders will return whatever variable has been called. For instance <caster.var.[name]> will return the value of the caster's [name] variable.
Some of these variables are only generated and available under some special circumstances, such as some specific trigger/attribute/metamechanic being used previously in the skilltree.
Variable Placeholder | Generated by | Function |
<[scope].var.[name]> | Returns the value of the variable [name] on the selected scope | |
<skill.var.[name]> | Returns the value of the variable [name] on the current skill tree | |
<skill.var.damage-amount> |
~onDamaged trigger ~onAttack trigger ~onBowHit trigger onDamaged mechanic onAttack mechanic |
Returns the amount of damage taken or done |
<skill.var.damage-type> |
~onDamaged trigger ~onAttack trigger ~onBowHit trigger onDamaged mechanic onAttack mechanic |
Returns the type of damage taken or done, if any |
<skill.var.damage-cause> |
~onDamaged trigger ~onAttack trigger ~onBowHit trigger onDamaged mechanic onAttack mechanic |
Returns the cause of damage taken/done |
<skill.var.aura-name> | Every aura mechanic | Returns the name of the aura |
<skill.var.aura-type> | Every aura mechanic | Returns the type of the aura |
<skill.var.aura-charges> | Every aura mechanic | Returns the amount of charges the aura has left |
<skill.var.aura-duration> | Every aura mechanic | Returns the remaining duration of the aura |
<skill.var.aura-duration-millis> | Every aura mechanic | Returns the remaining duration of the aura, in milliseconds |
<skill.var.aura-stacks> | Every aura mechanic | Returns the amount of stacks the aura has left |
<skill.var.input> | onChat mechanic | Returns the chat input |
<skill.targets> | Returns the amount of inherited targets | |
<skill.var.interval> | Using the repeat and repeatInterval universal attributes
Returns the current iteration |
<skill.var.itr> | Using the repeat and repeatInterval universal attributes
Returns the current iteration |
<skill.var.volume> | ~onHear trigger | Returns a float value between 1 and 15 representing the intensity of the sound. Directly proportional to the distance (the further away the source, the higher this value) |
<skill.var.sound-type> | ~onHear trigger | Returns the type of the sound |
<skill.var.hit-block-type> | raytrace mechanic | Returns the block that was hit, or AIR if none |
<skill.var.bow-tension> | ~onShoot trigger | Returns the force with which the projectile has been shot |
Target Placeholders
These placeholders will return whatever target selector has been used. For instance <> + @NearestPlayer will return the name of the player closest to the casting mob. The following are only some of the placeholders that can have a target
scope, and in general any placeholder that is also present in the Caster Placeholder section will also work.
Target Placeholders | Function |
<target.uuid> | Returns the UUID of the target |
<> | Returns the name of the target |
<target.hp> | Returns current hp of the target |
<target.mhp> | Returns the max hp of the target |
<target.php> | Returns the percent hp of the target |
<target.thp> | Returns the full number hp of the target |
<target.threat> | Returns the threat level of the target |
<target.l.w> | Returns the world name the target is in |
<target.l.x> | Returns the X coordinate of the target |
<target.l.x.#> | Returns the X coordinate of the target +- random number between # |
<target.l.y> | Returns the Y coordinate of the target |
<target.l.y.#> | Returns the Y coordinate of the target +- random number between # |
<target.l.z> | Returns the Z coordinate of the target |
<target.l.z.#> | Returns the Z coordinate of the target +- random number between # |
<target.l.yaw> | Returns the yaw of the target |
<target.l.pitch> | Returns the pitch of the target |
<target.level> | Returns the level of the target |
<target.block.type> | Returns the block type of the target |
<> | Returns the block data of the target block |
<target.entity_type> | Returns the entity type of the target |
<target.item.type> | Returns the type of the targeted item entity |
<target.held.item> | Returns the item held by the target |
<target.itemstack_amount> | Returns the amount of item entities on the ground |
<target.stat.STAT_NAME> | Returns the value of the specified stat on the target |
<target.raytrace.#> | Returns the name of the block being looked at by the target if within # range, if # is specified. If only <target.raytrace> is used, then the range defaults to 4.5 . If no block is found, AIR is returned. |
<target.fovoffset{rotation=0;absolute=true}> | Returns the angular offset (in degrees) between the direction the caster is looking and the direction from the caster to the target entity. This offset can be used to determine how far the target is from the caster's center of view |
Trigger Placeholders
These placeholders will return whatever attribute of the entity that caused the skill to happen. For instance <>
combined with an ~onDeath
trigger will return the name of the entity that killed the mob.
- message{m="<&b><><&r> was slain by <&a><><&r>."} @PIR{r=20} ~onDeath
The following are only some of the placeholders that can have a trigger
scope, and in general any placeholder that is also present in the Caster Placeholder section will also work.
Trigger Placeholders | Function |
<trigger.uuid> | Returns the UUID of the entity triggering the skill |
<> | Returns the name of the entity triggering the skill |
<trigger.hp> | Returns the current hp of the entity triggering the skill |
<trigger.mhp> | Returns the max hp of the entity triggering the skill |
<trigger.threat> | Returns the threat level of the entity triggering the skill |
<trigger.l.w> | Returns the world name of the entity triggering the skill |
<trigger.l.x> | Returns the X coordinate of the entity triggering the skill |
<trigger.l.x.#> | Returns the X coordinate of the entity triggering the skill +- random number between # |
<trigger.l.y> | Returns the Y coordinate of the entity triggering the skill |
<trigger.l.y.#> | Returns the Y coordinate of the entity triggering the skill +- random number between # |
<trigger.l.z> | Returns the Z coordinate of the entity triggering the skill |
<trigger.l.z.#> | Returns the Z coordinate of the entity triggering the skill +- random number between # |
<trigger.l.yaw> | Returns the yaw of the trigger |
<trigger.l.pitch> | Returns the pitch of the trigger |
<trigger.held.item> | Returns the item held by the trigger |
<trigger.raytrace> | Returns the name of the block being looked at by the trigger (4.5 blocks of range) |
<trigger.item.amount> | Returns the amount of the item the trigger is holding |
<trigger.item.type> | Returns the type of the item the trigger is holding |
<trigger.item.model> | Returns the model of the item the trigger is holding |
<trigger.stat.STAT_NAME> | Returns the value of the specified stat on the trigger |
<trigger.raytrace.#> | Returns the name of the block being looked at by the trigger if within # range, if # is specified. If only <trigger.raytrace> is used, then the range defaults to 4.5 . If no block is found, AIR is returned. |
Misc Placeholders
Placeholder | Function |
<drop.amount> | Returns the amount dropped while used in specific drop types |
<drops.xp> | Returns the xp dropped via specific drop types |
<> | Returns the money dropped through the vault plug-in |
<random.#to#> | Returns a random integer in the specified range |
<random.float.#to#> | Returns a random float number in the specified range |
Item Placeholders
Placeholder | Function |
<item.amount> | Returns the amount of the item that triggered the skill |
<mythicitem.[item].material> | Returns the material of the specified mythic item |
<mythicitem.[item].model> | Returns the custommodeldata of the specified mythic item |
<mythicitem.[item].display> | Returns the display name of the specified mythic item |
Score Placeholders
Placeholder | Function |
<caster.score.objective> | Returns the score of the caster from "objective" |
<target.score.objective> | Returns the targeters score from "objective" |
<trigger.score.objective> | Returns the score of the trigger from "objective" |
<global.score.objective> | Returns the score of fake player: __GLOBAL__ score from "objective" |
<score.objective.player> | Returns the score of the defined player from "objective" |
<score.objective.dummyname> | Returns the score of "dummyname" (fake player) from "objective" |
Placeholder Attributes
Some placeholders can use a set of attributes to further define the output they will give
Attribute | Aliases | Description | Default |
rounding | round, r | The rounding of the returned float value | 2 |
- message{m="<target.hp{round=2}>"} @self
PlaceholderAPI Integration
Other than being able to use PlaceholderAPI placeholders anywhere placeholder support is in place, MythicMobs introduces some new PAPI placeholders that can be used by third parties to fetch MythicMobs-related values.
PAPI Placeholder | Function |
%mythic_var_someVar% | Returns the value of the someVar variable that is set on the player |
%mythic_var_world_someVar% | Returns the value of the someVar variable that is set on the world |
%mythic_var_global_someVar% | Returns the value of the someVar variable that is set on the server |
%mythic_var_<playerName>_someVar% | Returns the value of the someVar variable that is set on the specified player, by their name |
%mythic_var_<UUID>_someVar% | Returns the value of the someVar variable that is set on the specified entity, by its UUID |
%mythic_spawner_[name]_cooldown% | Returns the cooldown of the spawner called name
%mythic_spawner_[name]_cooldownleft% | Returns the remaining cooldown of the spawner called name
%mythic_spawner_[name]_warmup% | Returns the warmup of the spawner called name
%mythic_spawner_[name]_warmupleft% | Returns the remaining warmup of the spawner called name
PlaceholderAPI Parsing
When using placeholders via PlaceholderAPI, it is important to remember that some of them are meant to be parsed against a player, and if parsed against a mob they may behave unexpectedly.
More concretely, this means that:
- If used inside a mechanic, the target must be a player
- If used inside a condition, the checked entity must be a player (caster for conditions, inherited targets for targetconditions, trigger for triggerconditions)
...and so on
Custom Placeholders
It's possible to create custom placeholders in any Pack by creating a file named placeholders.yml
in the pack directory. These can be static or you can define conditional placeholders - the first one that evaluates true will be chosen, or the Default
if they're all false.
Custom placeholders can be used via <placeholder.{customname}>
, with {customname} being the name of your custom placeholder.
TestPlaceholder: 'some value'
- day
Value: day
- night
Value: night
Default: idk
- red
- green
- blue
This will make a mob send a teal message to all players in a radius of 20 blocks around in itself, stating what entity killed it in green.
- message{m="<&b><><&r> was slain by <&a><><&r>."} @PIR{r=20} ~onDeath
This skill will make an announcement when the mob spawns that looks like this:
- Skill{s=SaveBossLocation} @self ~onSpawn
- message{m="&eA &BGiant Zombie&e (Level &4<caster.level>&e) &ehas spawned at <caster.var.SpawnLoc>"} ~onSpawn @PlayersInWorld
- message{m="&eThe &BGiant Zombie&e (Level &4<caster.level>&e) &espawned at <caster.var.SpawnLoc>&e has been slain."} ~onDeath @PlayersInWorld
Be sure to place this skill somewhere in the skills file
- setvariable{var=SpawnLoc;type=STRING;value="&b<caster.l.x>&e, &b<caster.l.y>&e, &b<caster.l.z>";scope=CASTER} @self
You can also use color tags and formatting tags to make the mobs have pretty names:
Display: 'ZOMBIE &F- &A<caster.hp>/<caster.mhp>HP &F- &ELv.<caster.level>'