- New Skill Parameter system
- Disguise mechanic changes
- ChainMissile mecahnic
- Mob particles
- orElseCast condition action
- origin=@targeter option
### Added Java 16 support
### Skill Parameters (Premium Feature)
Skill parameters are a new feature allowing you to more easily create generic skills and pass parameters to them from other skills. If that sounds confusing, here's an example!
Currently most people have a lot similar damage skills that are just tweaked a bit for all their different mobs for slight variances in damage, but they do basically the same thing otherwise.
**The old way of doing it:**
- damage{amount=20}
- some shadowy effect
- damage{amount=50}
- some shadowy effect
- skill:ShadowDamage20 ~onAttack
- skill:ShadowDamage50 ~onAttack
**With Skill Parameters, we can combine these all into a single skill! The new way:**
- damage{amount=<skill.damage>}
- skill:ShadowDamage{damage=20} ~onAttack
- skill:ShadowDamage{damage=50} ~onAttack
The "skill parameter" system will pass __any__ options from the **skill/metaskill** mechanic (except options that are specific to it) down the skill tree where you can reference them later. If a later skill passes the same parameter, it will overwrite it. These can be used anywhere placeholders are supported.
- skill{skill=SomeSkill;anything=2;somethingElse=5}
- particles{amount=<skill.anything>}
- damage{amount=<skill.somethingElse>}
- Added EXPERIENCE_ORB mob type (why?)
- Can specify Options.Experience: amount
### NEW: Origin Override (Premium Feature)
- Added `origin=@targeter` option to set the origin in any mechanic. Will pass through to any child mechanics.
### BreakBlock
- Added doDrops, doEffect, useTool options
### Disguise **MAJOR CHANGE**
- Renamed disguise mechanic to disguiseOld
- Disguise now just accepts a LibsDisguises config string with d=
### FAWEPaste
- Added chestDropTable option
- Allows you to specify a MythicMobs droptable that will automagically populate and randomize any chests in that schematic when it's pasted
### FillChest
- Fills a chest at the targeted location with the contents of a droptable
### GiveItem
- Added fakeLooting=true option to play the pickup-item animation from the origin
### Messages
- Added audience option
### ModifyProjectile
- Added radius trait for orbitals
### Projectiles
- Greatly improved block collision detection
- Improved collision detection with huge mobs (giants, ghasts, etc)
- Improved collision detection with ModelEngine mobs
### RemoveAura
- You can now specify "ANY" to remove all auras from the target
### NEW: ChainMissile (Premium Feature)
- Combines the Chain and Missile mechanics, making a missile that will bounce between so many targets
### NEW: giveItemFromTarget
- Gives the caster an item while playing the pickup-item animation from the target entity or location
### NEW: raytraceTo (premium-only)
- Raytraces from the origin to the targeted location
- Same options as the raytrace mechanic
### NEW: ShootShulkerBullet
- Shoots a shulker bullet
- Has onTick, onHit, onEnd otpions
### NEW: clearThreat
- Clears the mob's threat table
### NEW: variableUnset{var=}
### Audiences
- Added *caster* audience
- Added *@targeter* audience, allowing you to use any entity-targeter as an audience
### Particle Effects - Mob particles??? **(premium-only)**
- Added special type particle=mob on all particle effects
- You can then specify a MythicMob using mob=[type]
- This is a hacky way for you to use mobs as "particles" in effects using no-tick ArmorStands wearing models or using font characters. You can use things other than ArmorStands if you want, but we don't recommend it for performance.
### BlockWave
- Added velocityX, velocityY, velocityZ, and ignoreAir options
### NEW: @PlayerByName{name=""}
### NEW: @Vehicle
### New condition action: orElseCast
- If the condition isn't true, it will instead cast the given skill
- night orElseCast SomeOtherSkill
### NEW: isCaster
### NEW: isChild
### NEW: isLiving
### NEW: isMonster
### NEW: isPlayer
### NEW: isSprinting
- only works on players
### NEW: name{name=""}
- Matches a specific player name.
- Supports placeholders
### NEW: vehicleIsDead
### In-line item additions
- Added model, enchants, potioneffects, skullOwner and skullTexture to in-line item creation
- Added <caster.l.x.double>
- Added <caster.l.y.double>
- Added <caster.l.z.double>
- Added <skill.targets>
- Updated to latest LibsDisguises
- Removed CMI support completely
- Removed unused EffectLib compatibility
Bug Fixes/Other
- Name placeholder will now return the canonical mob type name if the mob has no display name set
- Fixed @ring targeter being slightly off-center
- Fixed audiences not working with certain particle effects
- Fixed invisible armorstands flickering for a tick when spawning
- Fixed an NPE in metaskills
- Fixed certain things such as bullets not showing up until after a reload
- Fixed NPE when spawning certain mobs on non-paper servers
- Fixed issues with mobs changing targets
- Fixed auras not finishing after the caster dies
- Fixed auras not falling off when a player dies
- Fixed bossbars not going away when spawner mobs despawn due to mm reload
- Fixed the setSpeed mechanic
- Fixed BreakBlock mechanic to respect worldguard with player casters
- Fixed an NPE in threat tables
- Fixed bug with auraRemove mechanic and removing specific aura stacks
- Fixed onShoot trigger to work with skeletons, withers, dragons, snowmen, ghasts, llamas, etc.
- Fixed item serialization issues when using old color codes and new hex colors making text italicized
- Fixed WorldTime condition
- Fixed NPE in item generation
- Fixed NPE in spawners
- Fixed BreakBlock mechanic not respecting regions/perms for players
- Fixed issues with hasAura condition
- Fixed some issues with and optimized @MobsInRadius targeter |