Targets random points in a cone in front of the caster.
Note: Cone is fixed on the y-axis, and cannot be rotated up or down
Attribute | Aliases | Description | Default |
angle | a | The angle of the cone | 90 |
range | r | The length of the cone | 16 |
points | p | The number of points that will be targeted inside the cone | angle*range*0.1 |
slices | s | This defines how many layers or subdivisions (slices) the cone is divided into along its length (range). More slices result in a finer resolution |
floor(range ) |
minpoints | mp | The minimum number of points to be generated for each slice | 1 |
rotation | rot | The rotation of the cone | 0 |
yoffset | yo, y | The y offset of the cone | 0 |
exact | e | Whether to use a precise method to distribute points uniformly across the cone's surface instead of randomly generating them | false |
- effect:particles @Cone{a=45;r=10;p=200}