
## Description:
## Description
Displays a "toast" message to all targeted players. Does nothing if the
target is not a player.
## Attributes:
| Attribute | Aliases | Description | Default Value |
## Attributes
| Attribute | Aliases | Description | Default |
| icon | i | The icon to send. Accepts any valid MATERIAL. | diamond_sword |
| iconnbt | nbt | The NBT of the icon. | NONE |
| message | msg,m | The message to send. Must be in double-quotes. | NONE |
| frame | f | The type of toast to send. MUST BE LOWERCASE. Options are: challenge, task or goal. | challenge |
| frame | f | The type of toast to send. MUST BE LOWERCASE. Options are: `challenge`, `task` or `goal`. | challenge|
## Examples:
## Examples
- sendtoast{icon=DIAMOND; iconnbt={CustomModelData:1};message="Kill Amomgus!";frame=challenge} @PlayersInRadius{r=10}
- ...
``` |
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