Damages the targeted entity.
Non-Inheritable Attributes
Attribute | Aliases | Description | Default |
amount | a | The amount of damage to deal | 1 |
Inheritable Attributes
Attribute | Aliases | Description | Default |
ignoreArmor | ia, i | Whether or not to ignore armor, but will still use enchantment modifiers when calculating total damage | false |
preventknockback | pkb, pk | Whether or not to prevent knockback | false |
preventimmunity | pi | Whether or not to prevent the damage immunity ticks on the target by setting them to 0 after the damage is inflicted | false |
damagecause | dc, cause | Sets the damage cause for this damage mechanic. (This option is only available for 1.17+) |
entity_attack |
ignoreenchantments | ignoreenchants, ie | Whether or not to ignore enchantments when calculating total damage. (This option is only available for 1.19+) |
false |
noanger | na | Whether or not to generate anger when damaging the entity | false |
ignoreinvulnerability | ignoreinvulnerable, ii | Whether or not to ignore the damage immunity ticks on the target by setting them to 0 before the damage is inflicted | false |
ignoreshield | is | Whether or not to ignore the shield blocking on the target | false |
damageshelmet | dh | Whether or not the helmet should be damaged | false |
ignoreeffects | ieff | Whether or not effects should be ignored | false |
ignoreresistance | ir | Whether or not resistance should be ignored | false |
poweraffectsdamage | pad | Should the skill's power affect the damage inflicted | true |
tags | tag | Allows you to specify any number of arbitrary tags for the damage mechanic using tags=THIS,THAT . All tags inserted will be UPPERCASED, so always use uppercased names when checking against them |
rawtags | rtag | Works the same as tags and what is put here will also qualify as a tag, but it will not be UPPERCASED like tags | |
damagetype | element, e | Becomes one of the Tags | |
triggerSkills | ts | Whether the damage mechanic should also be able to trigger onAttack related triggers |
false |
DamageCause Attribute
This attribute is only available in newer MM 5.0 builds. All available damage causes can be found on spigot javadocs
Note: Only entity_attack
, entity_sweep_attack
, thorns
, sonic_boom
, entity_explosion
, and projectile
will return an entity damager,
meaning that <>
will not return "Unknown".
Element Attribute
As seen above, the damage mechanic offers the ability to set an "element" for the damage, like so:
- damage{amount=10;element=FIRE} @target ~onUse
- damage{amount=10;element=ICE} @target ~onUse
This element can be named anything, and can be used in a mob's DamageModifiers to alter resistance to the damage type as needed:
Type: COW
- FIRE 2.0
- AIR 1.0
- ICE 0.5
- message{m="Damaged by <skill.var.damage-type> for <skill.var.damage-amount>"} @PIR{r=50} ~onDamaged
These options can also be used in the "onDamaged" aura, using the damageMods="FIRE 0.5"
Tags Attribute
- damage{amount=5;tags=WITCHCURSE,FIRE}
This allows you to set any tag you want on this type of damage to be used with the DamageTag condition.
Tags are arbitrary, and can thus have any name, as long as that does not contain invalid characters.
You can set an indefinite number of tags for each damage mechanic.
- damage{amount=20;ignoreArmor=true} @target ~onTimer:20
- effect:sound{;v=1;p=0.5} @PIR{r=6}
- effect:particles{p=explode;a=8;vs=0.5;hs=0.5;s=0;y=1;repeat=5;repeatInterval=20} @PIR{r=6}
- effect:particles{p=drip_water;a=10;vs=0.5;hs=0.5;s=0;y=1;repeat=5;repeatInterval=20} @PIR{r=6}
- potion{t=SLOW;d=120;l=6} @PIR{r=6}
- damage{a=120;pkb=true} @PIR{r=6}
A more complex use of the damage mechanic can give illusions of say Ice attacks like the example above. Which uses effects to make the targets of the mob appear as if they were frozen by using particles (On a repeating interval to create a sort of lingering frost effect as well) and inflicting Slowness level 7 (which is -105% movement speed.) slowing the mob to a halt. Additionally, the mechanic inflicts 120 damage (60 hearts) to players within 6 blocks.
Premium Example
- damage{amount=<caster.var.somevariable> * 0.5 + 1} @target ~onTimer:20
This skill above does "<caster.var.somevariable> * 0.5 + 1" damage if the varibute: <caster.var.somevariable>'s value is 5,this mechaine will does 3.5 damage
- d