... | ... | @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ What the message send to the players when the mob dies should say. Is able to us |
- '<#E57A00>4th Place »<#E57A00> <4.name> - <4.damage>'
- '<#E57A00>5th Place »<#E57A00> <5.name> - <5.damage>'
- ''
- '<#F2B600>Your rank: #<player.rank> - <player.damage< (<pity> Pity)'
- '<#F2B600>Your rank: #<player.rank> - <player.damage> (<pity> Pity)'
- '<#F28800>===================================='
> If there is no player at a specified rank (for instance, if a mob was killed by less than 5 players) then the line where the placeholder is used will not be shown
... | ... | |