- Switched to bStats for Metrics
- Added Command: /mm skills info \[name\]
- You can now use percents instead of decimals when configuring drop
chance in the format 10%
Bug Fixes / Other
- API: Fixed issue with custom drops registered via API not adding to
- API: Fixed IMultiDrop drops not being parsed when added to LootBag
- API: Fixed several other bugs in the custom drops API
- Rounded numbers for currency drop message
- Fixed NPE in Holograms support
- Fixed NPE in Give Eggs command
- Fixed plugin not loading at all if drop is configured improperly
- Fixed plugin not loading when compatibility issues are encountered
- Fixed spawners never loading if world isn't loaded on startup
- Fixed currency drops sending blank message when messages are
- Fixed several bugs with particle skill pathing
- Fixed several other minor bugs
DropTables Update
DropTables have been completely recoded from the ground up to be much
faster, more bug-free, and now include an extensive API so other plugins
can add custom drop types.
### General
- DropTables are now preloaded on startup and consume far less CPU.
- DropTables **Conditions** and **TriggerConditions** now use the new
condition system
- **DropsPerLevel** has been removed
- New options **BonusLevelItems** and **BonusLuckItems** allow you to
configure drop tables to roll additional items based on the
dropper's level and the killer's luck stat. These can be decimals if
you only want an additional chance per level.
- **TotalItems**, **MaxItems**, and **MinItems** options are now far
more reliable and more random.
- Using **TotalItems**, both **MaxItems** and **MinItems** together,
or any "Bonus" item options, will cause the drop table to calculate
the "chance" of each item as a weight instead. Otherwise the table
will be rolled normally with each entry being a chance.
### Item Drops
- Basic drops and equipment items can now be customized with basic
options in-line without having to make an entire MythicItem
- Options currently available in-line include **name**, **data**,
**amount**, **lore**, and **color**
<!-- -->
- leather_chestplate{name="Dark Leather";lore="&8A vest made of darkened leather";color=BLACK} chest 1 1
### Equipment
- While the old syntax works, you can now also do the following:
<!-- -->
- iron_sword:0
- iron_sword:hand
- iron_sword hand
- iron_sword hand 1 0.1 //(you still have to enter amount before chance)//
- For commands that get or give items, you can now specify a drop
table to give entire drop tables to people.
### Command
- **asCaster** option now causes command to execute w/
**minecraft:execute** for mobs
### Equip
- The equip mechanic can now equip multiple items or drop tables at
once, separated by commas.
<!-- -->
equip{items="iron_sword hand, iron_helmet head, iron_boots feet"}
### NEW: DropItem
DropItem (or DropItems) is a Location-targeted skill that allows you to
drop an item or a DropTable at the targeted location.
- \- dropitem{item=X}
### NEW: RemoveBuff
- \- removebuff{name=X}
### NEW: Blocking
- True if the target is blocking with a shield
- \- blocking
### NEW: HasBuff
- \- hasbuff buffname
- Added **Options.PreventStacking: true** to items
- **Options.Color: r,b,g** now works for Potion items
- Color can now use Bukkit's DyeColor names in addition to the
**r,g,b** format for leather items
### Fireworks
- Added options for FIREWORK and FIREWORK\_CHARGE items
- Fore Colors and FadeColors, you can specify what colors you want
using the format **RED,GREEN,BLUE**
<!-- -->
- 255,0,255
- 0,0,0
- 200,0,0
Flicker: true
Trail: true
- Added Illusioner disguise
- Added parrot disguise with Disguise.Color option
- Updated to use latest LibsDisguises version
- Improved error catching for bad disguises
- MythicMobsDeathEvent has been changed and may require add-ons to
- Plugins can now register custom drop types thru the API, similar to
custom mechanics.
Bug Fixes / Other
- Improved 1.8 support
- Allow \#-\# format for ranges when no negative numbers are involved.
For negatives you must still use -5to-1
- Fixed CAST and POWER condition actions executing even if condition
fails — Ash / detail
- Fixed typos in Example Items
- Improved item important command compatibility with 1.8
- Fixed some errors in example files
- Fixed PushButton mechanic not triggering redstone signal
- Fixed particle effects not obeying viewDistance attribute
- Fixed various issues with Orbital and ParticleOrbital mechanics
- Fixed vanilla overrides affecting mobs that weren't spawned
- Fixed issues with item recharge tracking for Artifacts
- Fixed several small issues and optimized Message mechanics
- Fixed several NPEs in various conditions
- Fixed healPercent mechanic when using negative values
- Fixed dependency issue with Holograms support
- Fixed NPE with @PlayertsNearTargetLocations targeter
- Fixed several missing shorthands for various mechanic attributes
- Fixed villager shop GUI still showing when cancelling interact event
- Fixed the Holding condition
- Fixed issues with @Forward targeter
- Fixed @NearestPlayer targeting the caster if the caster is a player
- Fixed various issues with random spawns |