... | ... | @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ These targeters only work if the mob has [Threat Tables](/Mobs/ThreatTables) ena |
| @[ForwardWall][] | | Targets a plane in front of the caster |
| @[PlayerLocationsInRadius][] | @PLIR | Targets all player locations in the given radius |
| @[Pin][] | | Targets the location(s) of a [pin](Pins). |
| @[Pin][] | | Targets the location(s) of a [pin](/Pins). |
| @[Ring][] | | Target points to form a ring of locations |
| @[RandomRingPoint][] | | Targets random points in a ring around the caster |
| @[Cone][] | | Returns the # of points target locations that comprise a cone (Note: Cone is fixed on the y-axis, and cannot be rotated up or down) |
... | ... | |