... | ... | @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ The following attributes are applicable to all mechanics. |
| repeat | | How many times the mechanic should be repeated. If repeatInterval is set to `0`, this becomes the number of executions rather than repetitions | 0 |
| repeatInterval | repeatI | How many ticks must elapse between repetitions | 0 |
| targetInterval | targetI | How many ticks must elapse between target selection | 0 |
| origin | | *[PREMIUM]** Change the origin to whatever targeter is supplied. Does not work if more than one target is parsed. `origin=@Forward{f=10}` | |
| origin | | *[PREMIUM]** Change the origin to whatever targeter is supplied. Does not work if more than one target is parsed. `origin=@Forward{f=10}`<br>The targeter of the origin attribute will be parsed separately from the mechanic's targeter, so if you use something like `origin=@targetedlocation` it will not return the mechanic's explicit target, but the metaskill's inherited one | |
| power | | [Power](/mobs/Power) multiplier | 1 |
| fromorigin | fo, sourceisorigin, castfromorigin | Whether to cast the mechanic from origin | false |
| targetisorigin | | Whether to set the target of the mechanic to be the origin | false |
... | ... | |