... | ... | @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ This zombie would attack players, and walk around randomly when not targeting an |
| [lookatplayers](/Mobs/ai/goals/lookatplayers) | | The mob will look at nearby players |
| [LookAtTarget](/Mobs/ai/goals/LookAtTarget) | | The mob will look at its target |
| [opendoor](//Mobs/ai/goals/OpenDoor)| opendoors | The mob will open doors it runs into and close the door behind it |
| closedoors | restrictopendoor | Not sure what this one does |
| [randomlookaround](/Mobs/ai/goals/RandomLookAround) | lookaround | The mob will randomly look around |
| [gotospawnlocation](/Mobs/ai/goals/gotospawn) | gotospawn | Mob will pathfind to its spawn location |
| [doNothing](/Mobs/ai/goals/doNothing)<br>**[Premium-only]** | | Causes the mob to do nothing if conditions are met. |
... | ... | @@ -38,9 +37,6 @@ This zombie would attack players, and walk around randomly when not targeting an |
## Creatures Only
| AI Goal | Aliases | Description |
| avoidcreepers | | Causes the mob to avoid Creepers |
| avoidskeletons | | Causes the mob to avoid Skeletons |
| avoidzombies | | Causes the mob to avoid Zombies |
| [meleeattack](/Mobs/ai/goals/meleeattack) | | Causes the mob to move to and melee-attack its target |
| [movetowardstarget](/Mobs/ai/goals/MoveTowardsTarget) | | Causes the mob to move towards its target |
| [randomstroll](/Mobs/ai/goals/RandomStroll) | | The mob will randomly walk around |
... | ... | @@ -55,7 +51,6 @@ This zombie would attack players, and walk around randomly when not targeting an |
| [spiderattack](/Mobs/ai/goals/SpiderAttack) | | Uses the attack a spider would |
| [zombieattack](/Mobs/ai/goals/ZombieAttack) | | Zombie melee attack |
| [leapattarget](/Mobs/ai/goals/leapattarget) | | Makes the mob leap at its target |
| moveindoors | | |
| [movethroughvillage](/Mobs/ai/goals/movethroughvillage) | | |
| [movetoblock](/Mobs/ai/goals/movetoblock)| | Makes the mob go towards a specific type of block |
| [movetolava](/Mobs/ai/goals/movetolava) | | Makes the mob move towards lava |
... | ... | |