Have you ever thought that drops were a bit too plain? Did you want them to sparkle a bit more? Do not worry then: this page documents how that can be done!
Drop Options
This is an additional field on the mob config, DropOptions
, that allows you to determine various behaviors regarding the drops.
DropMethod: FANCY
ClientSideDrops: false
- ...
- ...
- ...
- ...
Can be one of two values:
, which keeps all of the "normal" drop behaviors -
, which enables damage tracking, scoreboards and more advanced drop effects. Drops can also be rolled for every participant instead of only once if the relevant config is set to allow it.
So, in essence, this must be set to FANCY
in order for the rest of the page to work
DropMethod: FANCY
Whether drops should be seen per-player, in a client side manner. In essence, with this enabled, every player will only be able to see the loot that they themselves gained.
ClientSideDrops: false
What the hologram that spawns when the mob dies should say. Is able to use specific placeholders.
- '<#FF9B00>========================'
- '%mob.name% - %mob.hp%HP'
- ''
- '<#FFA300>1st Place | %1.name% | %1.damage%'
- '<#D1FFFF>2nd Place | %2.name% | %2.damage%'
- '<#D1FFFF>3rd Place | %3.name% | %3.damage%'
- '<#E57A00>4th Place | %4.name% | %4.damage%'
- '<#E57A00>5th Place | %5.name% | %5.damage%'
- ''
- 'Your rank: #%player.rank% | %player.damage%'
- '<#FF9B00>========================'
If there is no player at a specified rank (for instance, if a mob was killed by less than 5 players) then the line where the placeholder is used will not be shown
What the message send to the players when the mob dies should say. Is able to use specific placeholders.
- '<#F28800>===================================='
- '<#F2B600>%mob.name%'
- ''
- '<#ffe259>1st Place »<#ffe259> %1.name% - %1.damage%'
- '<#D1FFFF>2nd Place »<#D1FFFF> %2.name% - %2.damage%'
- '<#D1FFFF>3rd Place »<#D1FFFF> %3.name% - %3.damage%'
- '<#E57A00>4th Place »<#E57A00> %4.name% - %4.damage%'
- '<#E57A00>5th Place »<#E57A00> %5.name% - %5.damage%'
- ''
- '<#F2B600>Your rank: #%player.rank% - %player.damage% (%pity% Pity)'
- '<#F28800>===================================='
If there is no player at a specified rank (for instance, if a mob was killed by less than 5 players) then the line where the placeholder is used will not be shown
Drop Attributes
Other than the options written above, you can also determine specific behaviors for each drop of the mob, by writing them as inline attributes
- amber_1{itemglow=GOLD;hn=true;lootsplosion=true;vfxmaterial=POTION;vfxdata=21;vfxc=#55ff55} 1 1
Attribute | Aliases | Description | Default |
lootsplosion | lootsplosionenabled, ls | Whether the drop should move outwards once generated | |
clientsidedrops | clientsidedropsenabled, csd | Whether the drop should be client side | |
hologramname | hologramnameenabled, hn | Whether the drop should have a hologram displaying its name | |
itemglow | itemglowenabled, ig | Whether the drop should glow | |
itemglowcolor | glowcolor, gc | The color of the glow, if set | |
itembeam | itembeamenabled, ib | Whether the drop should generate a particle beam above itself | |
itembeamcolor | beamcolor, bc | The color of the beam, if set | |
itemvfx | ivfx, vfx | Whether the drop should have a item vfx | |
vfxmaterial | vfxmat, vfxm | The material of the vfx | |
vfxdata | vfxd | The data of the vfx | 0 |
vfxcolor | vfxc, color | The color of the vfx | |
pityModifier | pitymod, pmod | The modifier of the pity | 0.0 |
resetpity | resetp, rp | Whether the pity should be reset | false |
pcategory | pitycategory, category | The category of the pity | DEFAULT |
damage | mindamage, min | The minimum amount of damage that must have been inflicted on the mob in order for this drop to be able to be generated for the player | 0.0 |
top | placement, required | The placement in the damage leaderboard required for this drop to be generated for the player | 2147483647 |
billboarding | billboard, bill | The billboarding of the hologram | VERTICAL |
brightness | bright, b | The brightness of the hologram | 0 |
pickupskills | ps | The metaskill executed when the drop is picked up |
- amber_1{itemglow=GOLD;hn=true;lootsplosion=true;vfxmaterial=POTION;vfxdata=21;vfxc=#55ff55} 1 1
- adamantium_ore{itemglow=WHITE;hn=true;lootsplosion=true;vfxmaterial=POTION;vfxdata=21;vfxc=#55ff55} 1 1
- amethyst_1{itemglow=YELLOW;hn=true;lootsplosion=true;vfxmaterial=POTION;vfxdata=21;vfxc=#55ff55} 1 1
- andesite_bricks{itemglow=LIGHT_PURPLE;hn=true;lootsplosion=true;vfxmaterial=POTION;vfxdata=21;vfxc=#55ff55} 1 1
- bananarang{itemglow=RED;hn=true;lootsplosion=true;vfxmaterial=POTION;vfxdata=21;vfxc=#55ff55} 1 1
- augment_sword_midas_6{itemglow=AQUA;hn=true;lootsplosion=true;vfxmaterial=POTION;vfxdata=21;vfxc=#55ff55} 1 1
- blue_stained_tiles{itemglow=GREEN;hn=true;lootsplosion=true;vfxmaterial=POTION;vfxdata=21;vfxc=#55ff55} 1 1
- black_stained_tiles{itemglow=BLUE;hn=true;lootsplosion=true;vfxmaterial=POTION;vfxdata=21;vfxc=#55ff55} 1 1
- bismuth_2{itemglow=DARK_RED;hn=true;lootsplosion=true;vfxmaterial=POTION;vfxdata=21} 1 1