... | ... | @@ -41,13 +41,12 @@ When a targeter is used on the Skill mechanic, all of the skills inside of the m |
| @[MobsInRadius][] | @MIR | Targets all mythicmobs or vanilla overrides of the given type in a radius |
| @[EntitiesInRadius][] | @livingEntitiesInRadius<br>@livingInRadius<br>@allInRadius<br>@EIR | Targets all entities in the given radius. |
| @[EntitiesInRing][] | @EIRR | Targets all entities in the given ring. |
| @PlayersInWorld | @World | Targets all players in the current world. |
| @PlayersOnServer | @Server | Targets all players in the server. |
| @[PlayersInWorld][] | @World | Targets all players in the current world. |
| @[PlayersOnServer][] | @Server<br>@Everyone | Targets all players in the server. |
| @[PlayersInRing][] | | Target all players between the specified min and max radius. |
| @PlayersNearOrigin{r=#} | | Targets players near the [origin](/skills/targeters/origin) of a meta-skill. |
| @[PlayersNearOrigin][] | | Targets players near the [origin](/skills/targeters/origin) of a meta-skill. |
| @[MobsNearOrigin][] | | Targets all MythicMobs or vanilla overrides of the given type(s) in a radius around the origin |
| @[EntitiesNearOrigin][] | @ENO | Targets all entities near the [origin](/skills/targeters/origin) of a meta-skill |
| @PlayersNearTargetLocation{r=#} | @PNTL{r=#} | Targets all players near targetlocation. Radius=5 by default. |
| @Siblings | | Targets any mobs that share the same parent as the caster. |
| @TargetedTarget | @Targeted | Targets the inherited targets. |
| @[ItemsNearOrigin][] | | Targets item drops near the [origin](/skills/targeters/origin) of a meta-skill. |
... | ... | @@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ Some meta-targeters also allow the mechanic to be casted "fromOrigin". This will |
| @[Line][] | | Targets locations between the mob and the inherited target. |
| @[LivingInLine][] | @entitiesInLine<br>@livingEntitiesInLine<br>@LEIL<br>@EIL | Targets any entities in a line between the inherited target and the casting mob. |
| @[LivingNearTargetLocation][] | @LNTL<br>@ENTL<br>@ENT | Targets all living entities near the inherited target. |
| @PlayersNearTargetLocation{radius=5} | | Targets all players near the inherited target. |
| @[PlayersNearTargetLocations][] | @playersNearTargetLocation<br>@PNTL | Targets all players near the inherited targets. |
| @RandomLocationsNearTargets | @RLNTE{a=#;r=#;s=#;minr=#} | Targets random locations around the inherited target, where: a is the amount of locations, r is the radius around the inherited target, minr is the minimum radius, and s is the spacing between each location. |
| @RandomLocationsNearOrigin{a=#;r=#;s=#;minr=#} | @RLNO | Targets random locations near the origin of a skill. |
| @[FloorOfTargets][] | @FOT<br>@floorsOfTarget | Targets the blocks underneath the inherited targets. |
... | ... | @@ -279,6 +278,9 @@ Currently, sort can have the following values: |
[NotLivingNearOrigin]: /Skills/Targeters/NotLivingNearOrigin
[PlayersInRadius]: /Skills/Targeters/PlayersInRadius
[PlayersInRing]: /Skills/Targeters/PlayersInRing
[PlayersInWorld]: /Skills/Targeters/PlayersInWorld
[PlayersNearOrigin]: /Skills/Targeters/PlayersNearOrigin
[PlayersOnServer]: /Skills/Targeters/PlayersOnServer
<!-- Single Location Targeters -->
[CasterSpawnLocation]: /Skills/Targeters/CasterSpawnLocation
[Forward]: /Skills/Targeters/Forward
... | ... | @@ -301,3 +303,4 @@ Currently, sort can have the following values: |
[LivingInLine]: /Skills/Targeters/LivingInLine
[LivingNearTargetLocation]: /Skills/Targeters/LivingNearTargetLocation
[LocationsOfTargets]: /Skills/Targeters/LocationsOfTargets
[PlayersNearTargetLocations]: /Skills/Targeters/PlayersNearTargetLocations |
\ No newline at end of file |