... | ... | @@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ When a targeter is used on the Skill mechanic, all of the skills inside of the m |
| @Self | @Caster | Targets the caster of the skill |
| @Target | @T | Targets the mob's target |
| @Trigger | | Targets the entity that triggered the skill |
| @**[NearestPlayer][]** | | Targets the nearest player in radius |
| @[NearestPlayer][] | | Targets the nearest player in radius |
| @WolfOwner | | Targets the owner of the wolf |
| @Owner | | Targets the [owner](/skills/mechanics/setowner) of the mob |
| @**[Mount][]** | @Vehicle | Targets the entity that the mob is currently riding |
| @Parent | | Targets the parent if mob was summoned by other mob. |
| @**[Children][]** | @child<br>@summons | Targets any child entities summoned by the caster. |
| @**[Father][]** | @dad<br>@daddy | Targets the father of the casting mob. |
| @**[Mother][]** | @mom<br>@mommy | Targets the mother of the casting mob. |
| @[Owner][] | | Targets the [owner](/skills/mechanics/setowner) of the mob |
| @[Parent][] | @summoner | Targets the [parent](/skills/mechanics/setparent) of the mob |
| @[Mount][] | @Vehicle | Targets the entity that the mob is currently riding |
| @[Children][] | @child<br>@summons | Targets any child entities summoned by the caster. |
| @[Father][] | @dad<br>@daddy | Targets the father of the casting mob. |
| @[Mother][] | @mom<br>@mommy | Targets the mother of the casting mob. |
| @Passenger | | Targets the rider of the mob. |
| @PlayerByName{name="Ashijin"} | | Targets a specific player by name, supports placeholders. Added in 4.12 |
| @UniqueIdentifier{u="<target.uuid>"} | @UUID | Targets a specific entity by their UUID, supports placeholders. Added in 5.0 |
... | ... | @@ -34,24 +34,24 @@ When a targeter is used on the Skill mechanic, all of the skills inside of the m |
| Targeter | Shorthand | Description |
| @**[LivingInCone][]** | @entitiesInCone<br>@livingEntitiesInCone<br>@LEIC<br>@EIC | Targets all living entities in cone with a specified angle, length and rotation relative to facing direction |
| @**[LivingInWorld][]** | @EIW | Targets all living entities in the caster's world |
| @**[NotLivingNearOrigin][]** | @nonLivingNearOrigin<br>@NLNO | Targets all non living entities in a radius near the origin |
| @[LivingInCone][] | @entitiesInCone<br>@livingEntitiesInCone<br>@LEIC<br>@EIC | Targets all living entities in cone with a specified angle, length and rotation relative to facing direction |
| @[LivingInWorld][] | @EIW | Targets all living entities in the caster's world |
| @[NotLivingNearOrigin][] | @nonLivingNearOrigin<br>@NLNO | Targets all non living entities in a radius near the origin |
| @PlayersInRadius{r=#} | @PIR{r=#} | Targets all players in the given radius |
| @**[MobsInRadius][]** | @MIR | Targets all mythicmobs or vanilla overrides of the given type in a radius |
| @**[EntitiesInRadius][]** | @livingEntitiesInRadius<br>@livingInRadius<br>@allInRadius<br>@EIR | Targets all entities in the given radius. |
| @**[EntitiesInRing][]** | @EIRR | Targets all entities in the given ring. |
| @[MobsInRadius][] | @MIR | Targets all mythicmobs or vanilla overrides of the given type in a radius |
| @[EntitiesInRadius][] | @livingEntitiesInRadius<br>@livingInRadius<br>@allInRadius<br>@EIR | Targets all entities in the given radius. |
| @[EntitiesInRing][] | @EIRR | Targets all entities in the given ring. |
| @PlayersInWorld | @World | Targets all players in the current world. |
| @PlayersOnServer | @Server | Targets all players in the server. |
| @PlayersInRing{min=#;max=#} | | Target all players between the specified min and max radius. |
| @PlayersNearOrigin{r=#} | | Targets players near the [origin](/skills/targeters/origin) of a meta-skill. |
| @**[MobsNearOrigin][]** | | Targets all MythicMobs or vanilla overrides of the given type(s) in a radius around the origin |
| @**[EntitiesNearOrigin][]** | @ENO | Targets all entities near the [origin](/skills/targeters/origin) of a meta-skill |
| @[MobsNearOrigin][] | | Targets all MythicMobs or vanilla overrides of the given type(s) in a radius around the origin |
| @[EntitiesNearOrigin][] | @ENO | Targets all entities near the [origin](/skills/targeters/origin) of a meta-skill |
| @PlayersNearTargetLocation{r=#} | @PNTL{r=#} | Targets all players near targetlocation. Radius=5 by default. |
| @Siblings | | Targets any mobs that share the same parent as the caster. |
| @TargetedTarget | @Targeted | Targets the inherited targets. |
| @**[ItemsNearOrigin][]** | | Targets item drops near the [origin](/skills/targeters/origin) of a meta-skill. |
| @**[ItemsInRadius][]** | @IIR | Targets all item drops in the given radius |
| @[ItemsNearOrigin][] | | Targets item drops near the [origin](/skills/targeters/origin) of a meta-skill. |
| @[ItemsInRadius][] | @IIR | Targets all item drops in the given radius |
### ThreatTable Targeters
... | ... | @@ -73,32 +73,32 @@ These targeters only work if the mob has Threat Tables enabled. |
| @SelfLocation{y=0.0} | | Targets the caster's location an optional yoffset |
| @SelfEyeLocation | @EyeDirection | Targets the caster's eye location |
| @**[Forward][]** | | Targets a location in front of caster's facing direction |
| @[Forward][] | | Targets a location in front of caster's facing direction |
| @ProjectileForward{f=1;rot=45} | | Targets 1 block infront of the projectile offset by 45 degrees |
| @TargetLocation{maxdistance=#} | @targetloc, @TL | Targets the mob's target's location |
| @TriggerLocation | | Targets the location of the entity that triggered the skill |
| @SpawnLocation | | Targets the location the world's spawn. |
| @**[CasterSpawnLocation][]** | | Targets the location the caster spawned at. |
| @**[Location][]** | | Targets the specified coordinates in the caster's world. |
| @**[Origin][]** | @source | Targets the location of the "origin" or "source" of a meta-skill. While that is usually the casting mob, there are special cases where this is not true (such as with the Projectile Skill, where the "origin" is the location of the projectile). |
| @[CasterSpawnLocation][] | | Targets the location the caster spawned at. |
| @[Location][] | | Targets the specified coordinates in the caster's world. |
| @[Origin][] | @source | Targets the location of the "origin" or "source" of a meta-skill. While that is usually the casting mob, there are special cases where this is not true (such as with the Projectile Skill, where the "origin" is the location of the projectile). |
| @Spawner{s=SpawnerName} | | Targets the location of the specified spawner(s). The string can be the name of a spawner, or a a group of spawners (using g:groupname), and also accepts wildcards (Spawner* would target Spawner1,Spawner2,Spawner3,etc) |
| @**[ObstructingBlock][]** | | Tries to target the block in front of the caster that is obstructing it |
| @[ObstructingBlock][] | | Tries to target the block in front of the caster that is obstructing it |
| @TrackedLocation | | Targets the mob's tracked location |
| @**[NearestStructure][]** | | Targets the nearest structure of the specified type within a radius in the caster's world |
| @**[VariableLocation][]** | @varLocation | Targets the location stored in the specified variable |
| @[NearestStructure][] | | Targets the nearest structure of the specified type within a radius in the caster's world |
| @[VariableLocation][] | @varLocation | Targets the location stored in the specified variable |
### Multi-Location Targeters
| Targeter | Shorthand | Description |
| @**[ForwardWall][]** | | Targets a plane in front of the caster |
| @[ForwardWall][] | | Targets a plane in front of the caster |
| @PlayerLocationsInRadius{r=#} | @PLIR{r=#} | Targets all player locations in the given radius |
| @Ring{radius=#;points=#;xRotation=#;yRotation=#;zRotation=#;xOffset=#;yOffset=#;zOffset=#} | | Target points to form a ring of locations |
| @**[Cone][]** | | Returns the # of points target locations that comprise a cone (Note: Cone is fixed on the y-axis, and cannot be rotated up or down) |
| @[Cone][] | | Returns the # of points target locations that comprise a cone (Note: Cone is fixed on the y-axis, and cannot be rotated up or down) |
| @EntitiesInCone{angle=#;range=#;rotation=#;} | | Targets all entities within the cone |
| @Sphere{radius=#;points=#;yoffset=#} | | Target points to form a sphere of locations |
| @**[Rectangle][]** | @cube<br>@cuboid | Returns the # of points target locations that comprise a rectangle |
| @[Rectangle][] | @cube<br>@cuboid | Returns the # of points target locations that comprise a rectangle |
| @TargetedLocation | | Targets the inherited target's location |
| @RingAroundOrigin{radius=#;points=#;xRotation=#;yRotation=#;zRotation=#;xOffset=#;yOffset=#;zOffset=#} | @RAO | Targets locations in a specified ring around the origin |
... | ... | @@ -135,19 +135,19 @@ Some meta-targeters also allow the mechanic to be casted "fromOrigin". This will |
| Targeter | Shorthand | Description |
| @**[Line][]** | | Targets locations between the mob and the inherited target. |
| @**[LivingInLine][]** | @entitiesInLine<br>@livingEntitiesInLine<br>@LEIL<br>@EIL | Targets any entities in a line between the inherited target and the casting mob. |
| @**[LivingNearTargetLocation][]** | @LNTL<br>@ENTL<br>@ENT | Targets all living entities near the inherited target. |
| @[Line][] | | Targets locations between the mob and the inherited target. |
| @[LivingInLine][] | @entitiesInLine<br>@livingEntitiesInLine<br>@LEIL<br>@EIL | Targets any entities in a line between the inherited target and the casting mob. |
| @[LivingNearTargetLocation][] | @LNTL<br>@ENTL<br>@ENT | Targets all living entities near the inherited target. |
| @PlayersNearTargetLocation{radius=5} | | Targets all players near the inherited target. |
| @RandomLocationsNearTargets | @RLNTE{a=#;r=#;s=#;minr=#} | Targets random locations around the inherited target, where: a is the amount of locations, r is the radius around the inherited target, minr is the minimum radius, and s is the spacing between each location. |
| @RandomLocationsNearOrigin{a=#;r=#;s=#;minr=#} | @RLNO | Targets random locations near the origin of a skill. |
| @**[FloorOfTargets][]** | @FOT<br>@floorsOfTarget | Targets the blocks underneath the inherited targets. |
| @**[LocationsOfTargets][]** | @locationOfTarget<br>@LOT | Targets the location of the inherited targets |
| @**[BlocksInRadius][]** | @BIR | Targets all blocks in a radius of the inherited targets. |
| @[FloorOfTargets][] | @FOT<br>@floorsOfTarget | Targets the blocks underneath the inherited targets. |
| @[LocationsOfTargets][] | @locationOfTarget<br>@LOT | Targets the location of the inherited targets |
| @[BlocksInRadius][] | @BIR | Targets all blocks in a radius of the inherited targets. |
| @TargetBlock | | Targets the block you are looking at |
| @**[BlocksInChunk][]** | @BIC | Targets all blocks in a chunk relative to the inherited target. |
| @**[BlocksNearOrigin][]** | @BNO | Targets all blocks in a radius around the origin of the metaskill. |
| @**[BlockVein][]** | @vein<br>@bv | Target all adjancent blocks that match the blocktype, starting from the origin of the skill. |
| @[BlocksInChunk][] | @BIC | Targets all blocks in a chunk relative to the inherited target. |
| @[BlocksNearOrigin][] | @BNO | Targets all blocks in a radius around the origin of the metaskill. |
| @[BlockVein][] | @vein<br>@bv | Target all adjancent blocks that match the blocktype, starting from the origin of the skill. |
# Common Attributes
... | ... | @@ -262,6 +262,8 @@ Currently, sort can have the following values: |
[Mother]: /Skills/Targeters/Mother
[Mount]: /Skills/Targeters/Mount
[NearestPlayer]: /Skills/Targeters/NearestPlayer
[Owner]: /Skills/Targeters/Owner
[Parent]: /Skills/Targeters/Parent
<!-- Multi Entity Targeters -->
[EntitiesInRadius]: /Skills/Targeters/EntitiesInRadius
[EntitiesInRing]: /Skills/Targeters/EntitiesInRing
... | ... | |