... | ... | @@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ Of particular relevance is the `audience=@Targeter` attribute, that allows any e |
| Effect Mechanic | Description |
| [Atom][] | Creates electron-esque orbitals. |
| [Black Screen][] | Blacks out the target's screen for the duration |
| [Block Mask][] | Temporarily masks a block as a different block |
| [Block Unmask][] | Unmasks blocks that have been masked |
| [Block Wave][] | Creates a wave of blocks at the target location |
| [Bloody Screen][] | Makes the target's screen glow red |
| [BlackScreen][] | Blacks out the target's screen for the duration |
| [BlockMask][] | Temporarily masks a block as a different block |
| [BlockUnmask][] | Unmasks blocks that have been masked |
| [BlockWave][] | Creates a wave of blocks at the target location |
| [BloodyScreen][] | Makes the target's screen glow red |
| [Ender][] | Causes the "Ender" effect |
| [Ender Beam][] | Creates the enderbeam effects at the target (similar to End Crystals) |
| [EnderBeam][] | Creates the enderbeam effects at the target (similar to End Crystals) |
| [Explosion][] | Causes an explosion effect |
| [Firework][] | Causes a firework explosion (currently not working in most builds) |
| [Flames][] | Causes the Mob Spawner flame effect |
... | ... | @@ -64,16 +64,16 @@ Of particular relevance is the `audience=@Targeter` attribute, that allows any e |
| [Item Spray][] | Sprays temporary items around the target |
| [Lightning][] | Causes a fake lightning strike |
| [Particles][] | Creates particle effects around the target |
| [Particle Box][] | Draws a box of particles around the target |
| [Particle Equation][] | Generates particles based on equations |
| [Particle Line][] | Draws a line of particle effects to the target |
| [Particle Line Helix][] | Draws a line based helix effect |
| [Particle Line Ring][] | Draws a particle ring connected by lines |
| [Particle Orbital][] | Draws orbiting particle effects around the target |
| [Particle Ring][] | Draws a ring of particles around the target |
| [Particle Sphere][] | Draws a sphere of particles around the target |
| [Particle Tornado][] | Draws a persistent "tornado" of particles at the target |
| [Play Animation][] | Forces the entity to play an animation |
| [ParticleBox][] | Draws a box of particles around the target |
| [ParticleEquation][] | Generates particles based on equations |
| [ParticleLine][] | Draws a line of particle effects to the target |
| [ParticleLine Helix][] | Draws a line based helix effect |
| [ParticleLine Ring][] | Draws a particle ring connected by lines |
| [ParticleOrbital][] | Draws orbiting particle effects around the target |
| [ParticleRing][] | Draws a ring of particles around the target |
| [ParticleSphere][] | Draws a sphere of particles around the target |
| [ParticleTornado][] | Draws a persistent "tornado" of particles at the target |
| [PlayAnimation][] | Forces the entity to play an animation |
| [Recoil][] | Kicks the target's screen |
| [Skybox][] | Alters the target's skybox |
| [Smoke][] | Creates a puff of smoke |
... | ... | @@ -102,31 +102,31 @@ Edit: (Dant35tra5t) Atom is working for some reason. Putting it in main list. |
[skill mechanic]: /skills/mechanics/
[Targeter]: /skills/targeters/
[Atom]: /skills/effects/atom
[Black Screen]: /skills/effects/blackscreen
[Block Mask]: /skills/effects/blockmask
[Block Unmask]: /skills/effects/blockunmask
[Block Wave]: /skills/effects/blockwave
[Bloody Screen]: /skills/effects/bloodyscreen
[BlackScreen]: /skills/effects/blackscreen
[BlockMask]: /skills/effects/blockmask
[BlockUnmask]: /skills/effects/blockunmask
[BlockWave]: /skills/effects/blockwave
[BloodyScreen]: /skills/effects/bloodyscreen
[Ender]: /skills/effects/ender
[Ender Beam]: /skills/effects/enderbeam
[EnderBeam]: /skills/effects/enderbeam
[Explosion]: /skills/effects/explosion
[Firework]: /skills/effects/firework
[Flames]: /skills/effects/flames
[Geyser]: /skills/effects/geyser
[Glow]: /skills/effects/glow
[GuardianBeam]: /effects/guardianbeam
[Item Spray]: /skills/effects/itemspray
[ItemSpray]: /skills/effects/itemspray
[Lightning]: /skills/effects/lightning
[Particles]: /skills/effects/particles
[Particle Box]: /skills/effects/particlebox
[Particle Equation]: /skills/effects/particleequation
[Particle Line]: /skills/effects/particleline
[Particle Line Helix]: /skills/effects/particlelinehelix
[Particle Line Ring]: /skills/effects/particlelinering
[Particle Orbital]: /skills/effects/particleorbital
[Particle Ring]: /skills/effects/particlering
[Particle Sphere]: /skills/effects/particlesphere
[Particle Tornado]: /skills/effects/particletornado
[ParticleBox]: /skills/effects/particlebox
[ParticleEquation]: /skills/effects/particleequation
[ParticleLine]: /skills/effects/particleline
[ParticleLine Helix]: /skills/effects/particlelinehelix
[ParticleLine Ring]: /skills/effects/particlelinering
[ParticleOrbital]: /skills/effects/particleorbital
[ParticleRing]: /skills/effects/particlering
[ParticleSphere]: /skills/effects/particlesphere
[ParticleTornado]: /skills/effects/particletornado
[Recoil]: /skills/effects/recoil
[Skybox]: /skills/effects/skybox
[Smoke]: /skills/effects/smoke
... | ... | @@ -137,6 +137,6 @@ Edit: (Dant35tra5t) Atom is working for some reason. Putting it in main list. |
[ThunderLevel]: /skills/effects/thunderlevel
[TotemOfUndying]: /skills/effects/totemOfUndying
[Atom]: /skills/effects/atom
[Particle Vortex]: /skills/effects/particlevortex
[ParticleVortex]: /skills/effects/particlevortex
[DNA]: /skills/effects/dna
[Play Animation]: /skills/effects/playanimation |
\ No newline at end of file |
[PlayAnimation]: /skills/effects/playanimation |
\ No newline at end of file |