Mob Options
All options available when creating a mob. These options go under the `Options` section, like so:
This is a database of all options available when creating a mob in
Type: skeleton
MythicMobs. These options go under the Options tag, like so:
MovementSpeed: 0.3
PreventSunburn: true
Type: skeleton
Display: 'Very Fast Skeleton'
MovementSpeed: 0.3
NoDamageTicks: 50
### Universal options
These options are universal and will work regardless of the mobtype.
## Universal options
#### All mobs
These options are universal and will work regardless of the mob type.
**AlwaysShowName: \[true/false\]**
#### AlwaysShowName
Whether the name-tag is always displayed.
Equivalent to the NBT-tag `CustomNameVisible`.
Defaults to `false`.
AlwaysShowName: false
* Whether the name-tag should always be displayed to the player, including while not looking at the mob.
* Equivalent of the NBT-tag "CustomNameVisible"
* Defaults to false.
**AttackSpeed: \[number\]**
**AttackSpeed: \[number\]**
* Sets the attack speed of the mob.
* Sets the attack speed of the mob.
* Defaults to vanilla attack speed for the respective mobs. (Doesn't do anything.)
* Defaults to vanilla attack speed for the respective mobs. (Doesn't do anything.)
**ApplyInvisibility: \[true/false\]** (4.9)
* Sets permanent invisibility effect on the mob (No need for invisibility potions ~onSpawn).
* Defaults to false.
**Collidable: \[true/false\]**
* Whether the mob has collision.
* Defaults to true.
* Note that collisions in Minecraft are bidirectional, so this would need to be set to false on both the collidee and the collidant to ensure no collisions take place.
* Also note that setting this to false stops the mob from being pushable by the player.
**DigOutOfGround: \[true/false\]**
* Teleports the mob two blocks up if takes SUFFOCATION damage.
* Defaults to false.
**Despawn: \[true/false/chunk/persistent\]**
* Determines whether mobs will despawn if no players are nearby.
* Should generally be turned on if you are using a lot of a mob spawners or entities will overwhelm your server.
* Equivalent NBT-tag is "PersistenceRequired"
* CHUNK will despawn mobs when they enter an unloaded chunk, but not when players aren't nearby.
* Defaults to true.
**FollowRange: \[value\]**
* Max distance between the mob and target before the mob will lose aggro.
* Also defines max range at which a target will aggro a player initially.
* Defaults to standard respective minecraft follow range
**Glowing: \[true/false\]**
* Whether the mob should permanently be glowing.
* Defaults to false.
**Invincible: \[true/false\]**
* Makes the mob completely invincible to all types of damage.
* //Cannot// be changed by command skills!
* Defaults to false.
**Interactable: \[true/false\]**
* Make the mob none interactable. In case of armor stand, denies interacts with its equipment.
* Defaults to false.
**LockPitch: \[true/false\] (4.9)**
* Requires protocollib, keeps mobs heads from looking up/down.
* Defaults to false.
**KnockbackResistance: \[number\]**
* Number between 0 and 1 that defines resistance of mob to knockbacks. Defaults to 0.
* 0.1 = 10%, 0.5 = 50% 1 = 100%
* Note that mobs with 100% resistance can still be knocked back by bow's enchantment: ARROW_KNOCKBACK.
* For true knockback resistance, see the Velocity mechanic's wiki page
**MaxCombatDistance: \[number\]**
* The mob cannot be damaged by players further away than # many blocks.
* Setting this option to a number less than the distance of a certain mob skill or attack will ensure that the mob can damage the player and will not be as easy to exploit.
**MovementSpeed: \[number\]**
* The movement speed of the mob.
* Most mobs default to movement speed of 0.2
* Values above 1 tend to make the mob difficult / impossible to fight.
**NoAI: \[true/false\]**
* Wether or not the mob should have AI. //Will override any settings specified in AIGoalSelectors!//
* As opposed to AIGoalSelectors, this will work on Enderdragons and Withers.
* Defaults to false.
* Note that any mob with NoAI: true will never cast a skill under the Skills: tab.
* Defines how long the mob is invulnerable after being hit.
#### Invisible
* If ImmunityTables are turned on for the mob, NoDamageTicks are per player as opposed to global.
Sets the permanent invisibility effect on the mob; no need to apply invisibility potion with `~onSpawn` trigger.
* Defaults to 10.
Defaults to `false`.
**NoGravity: \[true/false\]**
Invisible: true
* Whether the mob should not have gravity.
#### Collidable
* Defaults to false.
Whether the mob has collisions. Collisions in Minecraft are bidirectional, so this would need to be set to `false` on both
* Note that when this is true, the mob CANNOT have the skill [[skills/mechanics/velocity|velocity]] used on it.
the entity colliders to ensure that no collisions takes place but will also stop the player from pushing the mob. Defaults to `true`.
Collidable: true
**PassthroughDamage: \[true/false\]**
#### DigOutOfGround
Teleports the mob two blocks up if it takes `SUFFOCATION` damage. Defaults to `false`.
DigOutOfGround: false
* Causes all damage taken to be redirected to the mob's parent, if one exists. A mob's parent is the entity that initially summoned the mob.
#### Despawn
* Defaults to false
Determines how the mob will despawn.
This option should be turned on if you're using a lot of mob spawners or entities will overwhelm your server.
Defaults to `true`.
Available values:
- `true` - despawns the mob if there are no nearby players, on chunk unload. This option obeys the regular `/mm m kill` command.
- `false` - similar to `persistent` but can be despawned. This option obeys the regular `/mm m kill` command.
- `chunk` - despawns the mob when the chunk unloads. This option obeys the regular `/mm m kill` command.
- `persistent` - the mob is persistent and doesn't despawn. To remove a persistent mob, you have to append `-p` to the kill command,
like so: `/mm m kill -p <type>`.
Despawn: true
**Persistent: \[true/false\]**
#### FollowRange
The range in blocks within which a mob will target to attack or track an entity.
Defaults to vanilla follow range - `32`.
FollowRange: 32
* Makes the mob immune to the "mm m killall" command
#### Glowing
* The mob can still despawn if "Despawn" is set to true
Sets whether the mob is permanently glowing. Defaults to `false`.
* The mob can still be killed if targeted in the "mm m kill X" command or using a "minecraft:kill" command
* Defaults to false
Glowing: false
**PreventItemPickup: \[true/false\]**
#### Invincible
Makes the mob completely invincible to all types of damage. This option cannot be changed by command skills.
Defaults to `false`.
Invincible: false
* Prevents mobs from picking up items.
#### Interactable
* Defaults to true.
Sets whether the mob can be interacted with. If the mob is an armor stand, it will deny any interaction with the equipments.
Defaults to `false`.
Interactable: false
**PreventLeashing: \[true/false\]**
#### LockPitch
Keeps the mob's head from looking up/down. Requires [ProtocolLib](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/protocollib.1997/).
Defaults to `false`.
LockPitch: false
* Whether to prevents a leash from being placed on the mob.
#### KnockbackResistance
* Defaults to true
A percentage of knockback resisted from attacks. This option can be anywhere between `0` and `1`.
But a mob with 100% knockback resistance can still be knocked back by a bow's enchantment: `ARROW_KNOCKBACK` (punch enchantment).
For true knockback resistance, see the [velocity](/Skills/mechanics/velocity) mechanic page. Defaults to `0`.
KnockbackResistance: 0.5
**PreventMobKillDrops: \[true/false\]**
#### MaxCombatDistance
Prevents players that are a number of blocks away from damaging the mob.
Setting this option to a number less than the distance of a certain mob skill or attack will ensure that the mob can damage the player and will not be as easy to exploit.
Defaults to `256`.
MaxCombatDistance: 256
* Prevents mobs killed by that MythicMob from dropping loot.
#### MovementSpeed
* Defaults to false.
The movement speed of the mob.
Most mobs has a default move speed of `0.2` and any value higher than `1` tends to make a mob difficult or impossible to fight.
MovementSpeed: 0.2
**PreventOtherDrops: \[true/false\]**
#### NoAI
Whether the mob should have AI. This option overrides any AI goals specified in [AIGoalSelectors](/Mobs/Mobs#aigoalselectors).
As opposed to AIGoalSelectors, this will work on entities that have hardcoded AI. And if this is set to `true`, the mob will never cast any skills.
Defaults to `false`.
NoAI: false
* Should MythicMobs block the mob from dropping its normal items?
#### NoDamageTicks
* Defaults to false.
Defines how long in ticks the mob is invulnerable after taking damage.
If [ImmunityTables](/Mobs/ImmunityTables) is enabled for the mob, then `NoDamageTicks` will be per player instead of global.
Defaults to `10`.
NoDamageTicks: 20
**PreventRandomEquipment: \[true/false\]**
#### NoGravity
Whether the mob should not have gravity. If set to `true`, the mob **CANNOT** have the [velocity](/Skills/mechanics/velocity) mechanic used on it.
Defaults to `false`.
NoGravity: false
* Whether a mob should be allowed to spawn with random equipment.
#### PassthroughDamage
* Defaults to false.
Causes all damage taken to be redirected to the mob's parent, if one exists. A mob's parent is the entity that initially summoned the mob.
Defaults to `false`.
PassthroughDamage: false
**PreventRenaming: \[true/false\]**
#### PreventItemPickup
Prevent mobs from picking up items;
Defaults to `true`.
PreventItemPickup: false
* Whether to prevent renaming using a nametag.
#### PreventLeashing
* Defaults to true.
Whether to prevent a leash from being placed on the mob.
Defaults to `true`.
PreventLeashing: false
**PreventSunburn: \[true/false\]**
#### PreventMobKillDrops
Prevents a MythicMob's target from dropping loot.
Defaults to `false`.
PreventMobKillDrops: false
* Whether to prevent the mob from burning in the sun.
#### PreventOtherDrops
* Defaults to false.
Prevents the mob from dropping its vanilla loot table.
Defaults to `false`.
PreventOtherDrops: false
**RepeatAllSkills: \[true/false\]**
#### PreventRandomEquipment
Prevents the mob from spawning with random equipment.
Defaults to `false`.
PreventRandomEquipment: false
* Whether to repeat HP based skills if a mob heals back above the health threshold for them.
#### PreventRenaming
* Defaults to false.
Prevents the mob from being renamed using a nametag.
Defaults to `true`.
PreventRenaming: false
**ShowHealth: \[true/false\]**
#### PreventSunburn
Prevents the mob from burning in the sun.
Defaults to `false`.
PrevenSunburn: false
* Displays health of mob through messages broadcast within a radius defined by **show<nowiki>*</nowiki>health<nowiki>*</nowiki>radius** and formatted according to **show<nowiki>*</nowiki>health<nowiki>*</nowiki>format**. Both of these are global settings under **config.yml**
#### RepeatAllSkills
* Defaults to false.
Whether to repeat HP based skills if a mob heals back above the health threshold.
Defaults to `false`.
RepeatAllSkills: false
**Silent: \[true/false\]**
#### ShowHealth
Displays the health of the mob through messages broadcast within a radius and formatting by `Mobs.ShowHealth.Radius` and `Mobs.ShowHealth.Formatting`, respectively, in `/plugins/MythicMobs/config.yml`
Defaults to `false`.
ShowHealth: false
* Whether or not a mob should use vanilla sound effects.
#### Silent
* Defaults to false.
Whether a mob should use vanilla sound effects.
DDefaults to `false`.
Silent: false
### Mob specific options
## Mob specific options
These are specific mob options and will have no effect when used on a
These are specific mob options and will have no effect when used on a
different mobtype.
different mobtype.
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