Mechanic: Raytrace
Traces a ray to the target. [This is a premium-only mechanic.]
| Attribute | Aliases | Description | Default Value |
| entityskill | eskill, es | skill used if it hits an entity (?) | |
| locationskill | lskill ls | skill used if it hits a location(?) | |
| maxdistance | distance, md, d | max distance to trace | 50 |
| raywidth| rw, w | Width of the ray traced| 0.2 | |
| ignorepassableblocks| ignorepassable, ip | ignores collision of passable blocks (?) | true |
| fluidcollisionmode | fcm | enables collision with fluid blocks (Never/always?) | NEVER|
| accuracy | ac, a | spread of the traced ray |1 |
| verticalnoise | vn | vertical spread of the ray | 0 |
| horizontalnoise | hn | horizontal spread of the ray | 0 |
- raytrace{
- damage{amount=20}
- particles{p=flame;a=20;s=0.2;hS=0.1;vS=0.1}
- samefaction false
]} @targetlocation ~onUse
``` |