Lets you make simple or advanced calculations. Any placeholders that returns a number is supported. You can use math in most places that supports placeholders.
Operators | Example |
Addition (+) | 2 + 2 |
Subtraction (-) | 2 - 2 |
Multiplication (*) | 2 * 2 |
Division (/) | 2 / 2 |
Exponential (^) | 2 ^ 2 |
Signed Operators (+ or -) | +2 - (-2) |
Modulo (%) | 2 % 2 |
Functions | Example |
the absolute value of (x) | abs(x) |
arc cosine | acos(x) |
arc sine | asin(x) |
arc tangent | atan(x) |
cubic root | cbrt(x) |
nearest upper integer | ceil(x) |
cosine | cos(x) |
hyperbolic cosecant | csch(x) |
euler's number raised to the power (e^x) | exp(x) |
nearest lower integer | floor(x) |
logarithmus naturalis (base e) | log(x) |
logarithm to base 2 | log2(x) |
logarithm to base 10 | log10(x) |
logarithm to base b | logb(x) |
secant | sec(x) |
hyperbolic secant | sech(x) |
sine | sin(x) |
hyperbolic sine | sinh(x) |
square root | sqrt(x) |
tangent | tan(x) |
hyperbolic tangent | tanh(x) |
signum of a value | signum(x) |
converts from degrees to radians | toradian(x) |
converts from radians to degrees | todegree(x) |
minimum | min(x, y) |
maximum | max(x, y) |
principal value of the arc tangent of y/x, expressed in radians | atan2(y, x) |
random with limits | random(min, max) |
NOTE: You can request to add more operators and functions by making a suggestion ticket in our issues page