... | ... | @@ -153,30 +153,38 @@ Special Placeholders |
| <score.objective.dummyname> | Returns the score of "dummyname" (fake player) from "objective" **(2.3)** |
| <random.\#-\#> | Returns a random number in the specified range |
##### Examples
This will make a mob send a teal (<&b>) message to all players in a radius of 20 blocks around in itself, stating that it was slain by player (<trigger.name>) in green (<&a>)
**This will make a mob send a teal message to all players in a radius of 20 blocks around in itself, stating what entity killed it in green.**
- message{m="<&b><caster.name><&r> was slain by <&a><trigger.name><&r>."} @PIR{r=20} ~onDeath
**This skill will make an announcement when the mob spawns that looks like this:**
This skill will make an announcement like this:
when the mob spawns
- Skill{s=SaveBossLocation} @self ~onSpawn
- message{m="&eA &BGiant Zombie&e (Level &4<caster.level>&e) &ehas spawned at <caster.var.SpawnLoc>"} ~onSpawn @PlayersInWorld
- message{m="&eThe &BGiant Zombie&e (Level &4<caster.level>&e) &espawned at <caster.var.SpawnLoc>&e has been slain."} ~onDeath @PlayersInWorld
Be sure to place this skill somewhere in the skills file
- setvariable{var=SpawnLoc;type=STRING;value="&b<caster.l.x>&e, &b<caster.l.y>&e, &b<caster.l.z>";scope=CASTER} @self
You can also use color tags and formatting tags to make the mobs have pretty names:
**You can also use color tags and formatting tags to make the mobs have pretty names:**
Display: 'ZOMBIE &F- &A<caster.hp>/<caster.mhp>HP &F- &ELv.<caster.level>'
... | ... | |