Mythic Mobs has a simple command structure that can be accessed by
typing **/mythicmobs**. Typing that will display a menu with all
available commands, and each level of commands will provide menus or
information about what you can do. All command parameters surrounded by
\[\]'s are required, while <>'s are optional.
Mythic Mobs has a simple command structure that can be accessed by typing **/mythicmobs**. Typing that will display a menu with all available commands, and each level of commands will provide menus or information about what you can do. All command parameters surrounded by []'s are required, while <>'s are optional.
General Commands
- **/mm** (alias: **/mythicmobs**) \* *Base command for the plugin.
Displays all other commands.*
- **/mm debug \[level\]** (alias: **/mm d \[level\]** \* *Sets the
plugin's debug\*level. 0 = OFF.*
- **/mm debugmode \[true/false\]** \* //Enables debug mode, which
disables random spawners, mob spawners, and other random things that
make debugging difficult. *Does not currently seem to work*//
- **/mm reload** (alias: **/mm r**) \* *Reloads the plugin.*
- **/mm save** \* *Force\*saved all active mobs and spawners.*
- **/mm version** \* *Displays MythicMobs version.*
- **/mm** (alias: **/mythicmobs**) *Base command for the plugin. Displays all other commands.*
- **/mm debug [level]** (alias: **/mm d [level]** *Sets the plugin's debug level. 0 = OFF.*
- **/mm debugmode [true/false]** *Enables debug mode, which disables random spawners, mob spawners, and other random things that make debugging difficult.*
- **/mm reload** (alias: **/mm r**) *Reloads the plugin.*
- **/mm save** *Force saves all active mobs and spawners.*
- **/mm version** *Displays MythicMobs version.*
Item Commands
- **/mm items** (alias: **/mm i**) \* *Base for all item\*related
- **/mm items get \[item\_name\] <amount>** \* *Gives yourself
an item from the configured mob equipment.*
- **/mm items give \[player\] \[item\_name\] <amount>** \*
*Gives a player an item from the configured mob equipment.*
- **/mm items give -s \[player\] \[item\_name\] <amount>** \*
*Silently gives a player an item from the configured mob equipment.*
- **/mm items list** \* *Lists off all configured mob equipment.*
- **/mm item import <itemName> \[fileName\]** \* *Imports held
item to the Items folder. (File name defaults to
- **/mm items** (alias: **/mm i**) *Base for all item related commands.*
- **/mm items get [item_name] <amount>** *Gives yourself an item from the configured mob equipment.*
- **/mm items give [player] [item_name] <amount>** *Gives a player an item from the configured mob equipment.*
- **/mm items give -s [player] [item_name] <amount>** *Silently gives a player an item from the configured mob equipment.*
- **/mm items list** * *Lists off all configured mob equipment.*
- **/mm item import <itemName> [fileName]** * *Imports held item to the Items folder. (File name defaults to <itemName>.yml)*
Mob Commands
- **/mm mobs** (alias: **/mm m**) \* *Base for all mob\*related
- **/mm mobs info \[mob\_name\]** \* *Displays lots of information
about a Mythic Mob.*
- \*\*/mm mobs list \*\* \* *Displays a list of mobs loaded to the
- \*\*/mm mobs listactive \*\* \* *Displays a list of currently
spawned mobs, and the number of each.*
- **/mm mobs kill \[mob\_name\]** \* *Removes all Mythic Mobs with
the provided name.*
- **/mm mobs killall** \* *Removes all active Mythic Mobs.*
- **/mm mobs killall -p** \* *Removes all persistent Mythic Mobs.*
- **/mm mobs spawn \[mob\_name\]:<level> <amount>
<world,x,y,z>** \* *Spawns mobs with the provided name.*
- **/mm mobs spawn -s \[mob\_name\]:<level> <amount>
<world,x,y,z>** \* *Silently spawns the mob in- no console
- \*\*/mm mobs stats \*\* \* *Displays useful information about how
many mobs are loaded on the server. (Amounts)*
- **/mm mobs** (alias: **/mm m**) *Base for all mob related commands.*
- **/mm mobs info [mob_name]** *Displays lots of information about a Mythic Mob.*
- **/mm mobs list** *Displays a list of mobs loaded to the server.*
- **/mm mobs listactive** *Displays a list of currently spawned mobs, and the number of each.*
- **/mm mobs kill [mob_name]** *Removes all Mythic Mobs with the provided name.*
- **/mm mobs killall** *Removes all active Mythic Mobs.*
- **/mm mobs killall -p** *Removes all persistent Mythic Mobs.*
- **/mm mobs spawn [mob_name]:<level> <amount> <world,x,y,z>** *Spawns mobs with the provided name.*
- **/mm mobs spawn -s [mob_name]:<level> <amount> <world,x,y,z>** *Silently spawns the mob in- no console text.*
- **/mm mobs stats** *Displays useful information about how many mobs are loaded on the server. (Amounts)*
Mob Egg Commands
- **/mm egg** (alias: **/mm e**) \* *Base for all egg\*related
- **/mm egg get \[mob\_name\] <amount>** \* *Gives you mob eggs
for the specified Mythic Mob.*
- **/mm egg give \[player\] \[mob\_name\] <amount>** \* *Gives
a player mob eggs for the specified Mythic Mob.*
- **/mm egg** (alias: **/mm e**) *Base for all egg related commands.*
- **/mm egg get [mob_name] <amount>** *Gives you mob eggs for the specified Mythic Mob.*
- **/mm egg give [player] [mob_name] <amount>** *Gives a player mob eggs for the specified Mythic Mob.*
Spawner Commands
- Mob spawners can use special filters and wild cards in most
commands in place of the spawner's name to run the command on
multiple spawners.
- Use **g:group\_name** to run commands on a whole group of
- Use **r:radius** to run commands on all spawners within
**radius** blocks
- Use **?** for a single-character wildcard: Running the command
**/mm s set ?at leashrange 32** will set it on spawners named
Cat, Rat, Fat, but not one named Matt.
- Use \*\*\*\*\* for any number of wildcard characters: Running
the command **/mm s set T\* leashrange 32** will set the leash
range to 32 on all spawners starting with T
- \*\* Running the command using \* for the spawner name will
change ALL spawners\*\*
<!-- -->
- **/mm spawners** (alias: **/mm s**) \* *Base for all
spawner\*related commands.*
- **/mm s create** *\[*spawner*\_*name*\]* *\[*mob name*\]*
- Mob spawners can use special filters and wild cards in most commands in place of the spawner's name to run the command on multiple spawners.
- Use **g:group_name** to run commands on a whole group of spawners.
- Use **r:radius** to run commands on all spawners within **radius** blocks
- Use **?** for a single-character wildcard: Running the command **/mm s set ?at leashrange 32** will set it on spawners named Cat, Rat, Fat, but not one named Matt.
- Use ***** for any number of wildcard characters: Running the command **/mm s set T* leashrange 32** will set the leash range to 32 on all spawners starting with T
- **Running the command using \* for the spawner name will change ALL spawners**
- **/mm spawners** (alias: **/mm s**) *Base for all spawner related commands.*
- **/mm s create** *[spawner_name]* *[mob name]*
- Creates a new spawner at the location of the players reticule.
- The spawner will spawner whatever mob*\_*name you gave it which
can be any internal minecraft mob or the name of a mob you
created under the ExampleMobs.yml configuration page.
- **/mm s create Ruins*\_*Skeleton1 DecayingSkeleton**
- **/mm s set \[spawner\_name\] \[setting\] \[value\]**
- The spawner will spawner whatever mob_name you gave it which can be any internal minecraft mob or the name of a mob you created under the ExampleMobs.yml configuration page.
- **/mm s create Ruins_Skeleton1 DecayingSkeleton**
- **/mm s set [spawner_name] [setting] [value]**
- Changes a setting of the spawner. See below for all settings
- See [Spawner Options Section](Databases/Spawners/Spawners) for
all the things that can be set here.
- **/mm s addcondition \[spawner\_name\] \[condition\] \[value\]**
- Adds a spawner condition which determines whether a mob should
spawn when it's timer is up.
- See [Spawner Conditions](Databases/Spawners/Conditions) for
conditions that can be applied here
- \*\*/mm s removecondition \[spawner\_name\] \[condition\] \*\*
- See [Spawner Options Section](Spawners) for all the things that can be set here.
- **/mm s addcondition [spawner_name] [condition] [value]**
- Adds a spawner condition which determines whether a mob should spawn when it's timer is up.
- See [Spawner Conditions](Databases/Spawners/Conditions) for conditions that can be applied here
- **/mm s removecondition [spawner_name] [condition]**
- Removes a spawner condition.
- **/mm s removecondition Ruins\_Skeleton1 outside**
- **/mm s info \[spawner\_name\]**
- **/mm s removecondition Ruins_Skeleton1 outside**
- **/mm s info [spawner_name]**
- Provides a list of information about a particular spawner.
- \*\*/mm s info Ruins\_Skeleton1 \*\*(Lists information about
the Ruins\_Skeleton1 spawner)
- **/mm s info Ruins_Skeleton1** (Lists information about the Ruins_Skeleton1 spawner)
- **/mm s listnear <distance>**
- Lists all spawners nearby.
- Add a the distance parameter to narrow the list down.
- **/mm s listnear 15** (Displays all the spawner names within 15
- **/mm s resettimers \[name\]**
- **/mm s listnear 15** (Displays all the spawner names within 15 blocks)
- **/mm s resettimers [name]**
- Resets cooldown and reset timers for the spawner listed.
- **/mm s resettimers Ruins\_Skeleton1** (Resets the
Ruins\_Skeleton1 spawner)
- **/mm s activate \[name\]**
- **/mm s resettimers Ruins_Skeleton1** (Resets the Ruins_Skeleton1 spawner)
- **/mm s activate [name]**
- Activates (forces a spawn from) a particular mob spawner.
- **/mm s activate Ruins\_Skeleton1** (Spawns the
Ruins\_Skeleton1 spawner)
- **/mm s cut \[search\_string\]**
- **/mm s activate** Ruins_Skeleton1** (Spawns the Ruins_Skeleton1 spawner)
- **/mm s cut [search_string]**
- Cuts a group of spawners according to a given string.
- \*\*/mm s cut g:BoneCastle (Cuts all spawners in the
"BoneCastle" spawner group)
- \*\*/mm s cut r:200 (Cuts all spawners in a 200 block radius)
- \*\*/mm s cut Elementals\_\* (Cuts all spawners whos name
starts with Elementals\_)
- \*\*/mm s cut \* (Cuts all spawners. BE VERY CAREFUL!)
- **/mm s cut g:BoneCastle** (Cuts all spawners in the "BoneCastle" spawner group)
- **/mm s cut r:200** (Cuts all spawners in a 200 block radius)
- **/mm s cut Elementals_** (Cuts all spawners whos name starts with Elementals_)
- **/mm s cut** (Cuts all spawners. BE VERY CAREFUL!)
- **/mm s paste**
- Pastes a group of cut spawners in a new relative location.
- Spawners can be pasted multiple times but replace previous
pastes. (They are not duplicated)
- Spawners can be pasted multiple times but it replaces previous pastes. (They are not duplicated)
- **/mm s undo**
- Undoes the previous cut operation and puts them back where they
- Undoes the previous cut operation and puts them back where they were.
- Will only work if you have not yet cut a new group of spawners.
Utility Commands
- **/mm u testeffect \[effect syntax\]**
- Allows you to run an effect as if you were the mob.
- Takes the same effect syntax that you would normally place
inside your skill.
- **/mm u testeffect target particles
witchMagic:1:1:100:0.01:1:0.5 >0 1** (This is outdated)
- **/mm u testskill \[targetlocation\] \[skillname\]** **(Does not
currently work)**
- Allows you to run a skill as if you were the mob.
- Target can be any of the target locations. (target, boss,
playersinradius, etc)
- Skill name should be the name of one of your skills.
- **/mm u testskill target lightning**
- **/mm test cast [skillname]** - Allows you to run a skill as if you were a mob.
- **/mm i get [droptable]** - Allows you to get an item from a drop table as if you killed the mob dropping it.
Signal Commands
... | ... | @@ -199,8 +135,6 @@ Commands |
- Access to individual commands can be given using
<!-- -->
* **mythicmobs.command.info** - //Access to the **/mm info** command.//
* **mythicmobs.command.mobs.list** - //Access to the **/mm mobs list** command.//
* etc |
- **mythicmobs.command.info** - *Access to the **/mm info** command.*
- **mythicmobs.command.mobs.list** - *Access to the **/mm mobs list** command.*
- etc |