General configuration options help you customize the plugin's experience or provide general overall features.
General configuration options help you customize the plugin's experience or provide general overall features.
MythicAchievements supports several ways of storing your data, defined by `Storage.Driver` in your `config.yml` file.
#### Supported Storage Drivers
| Driver | Description |
| ------ | ------ |
| JSON | Default, stores data in .json files in the MythicAchievements folder |
| MYSQL | Stores all player data in a MySQL Database |
##### Database Configuration (MySQL)
Driver: MYSQL
Address: localhost
Port: 3306
Database: [database name]
Username: [database username]
Password: [database password]
Disabling Vanilla Advancements
Disabling Vanilla Advancements
Vanilla advancements can be disabled in MythicAchievement's config.yml file by adding the tab to the `DisabledVanillaCategories` list.
Vanilla advancements can be disabled in MythicAchievement's config.yml file by adding the tab to the `DisabledVanillaCategories` list.
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