... | ... | @@ -15,6 +15,18 @@ Sends a specified dungeon signal, activating any signal receivers with a matchin |
- **signal | s** :: The signal name.
#### Room Door `(v2.0.0)`
`- roomdoor{door=all;action=TOGGLE;keepEntranceOpen=true}`
*ONLY WORKS IN PROCEDURAL DUNGEONS!* Opens and/or closes doors in the room of the casting mob.
- `rdoor`
- `ddoor`
- **door | d** :: The name of the door we'll perform the action on. Use `all` for all valid doors.
- **action | a** :: The kind of action to take on the target door. Valid actions are: `TOGGLE`, `OPEN`, `CLOSE`
- **keepEntranceOpen** :: Whether to keep the room's main entrance open when closing all doors.
Dungeon Conditions
#### Shares Dungeon Party
... | ... | @@ -53,6 +65,23 @@ Checks if the dungeon at the target has it's difficulty set to the specified val |
- **difficulty | d** :: The difficulty level this condition expects from the dungeon.
#### In-Same-Room `(v2.0.0)`
`- insameroom`
Checks if the target entity is in the same room as the casting entity.
*NOTE: If the entity was spawned by the dungeon, this checks based on the room that spawned the casting entity, not the casting entities current room!*
- `sameroom`
- `isr`
Dungeon Targeters
#### Room Targeter `(v2.0.0)`
`- msg{m="Hello, world!"} @room`
Targets all entities in the same room as the casting entity.
*NOTE: If the entity was spawned by the dungeon, this checks based on the room that spawned the casting entity, not the casting entities current room!*
- `@entitiesinroom`
Elements with Mythic Mobs Support
Some Dungeon elements (such as functions, triggers, etc.) have support for Mythic Mobs objects. Here's a list of them!
... | ... | |