Issues with new Dynamic Lore Generation
When putting text/other placeholders into a line with a lore placeholder, ex:
- '<placeholder.someplaceholder> <lore.Description> sometext'
Only <lore.Description> will appear on the item. This makes it difficult to use dynamic lore generation to cut down on the amount of work needed on the item itself.
Additionally, placeholders cannot refer to lore placeholders, ex:
In item file:
Template: weapon-basic
ability1-name: '<placeholder.trigger-jump> Darkstar Blade <placeholder.cooldown>'
ability1-cooldown: 12
In placeholders:
cooldown: '<gold>🕑<lore.ability1-cooldown>s'
Same issue as above, makes it more cumbersome to create lore quickly and reuse similar formatting for lore. A solution could be to add parameter placeholders, such as:
In placeholders:
cooldown: '<gold>🕑<parameter.duration>s'
When used: <placeholders.cooldown;duration=12>
Another issue is with the wrap parameter - it counts formatting such as placeholders and adventure color codes in the character total when it should only count the characters in the final output to the item itself.
A fix would be appreciated.