Placeholder API Compatibility
Mythic Dungeons now comes with limited PlaceholderAPI support. So far, a collection of valid placeholders have been implemented. Support for placeholders in various dungeon functions is not yet implemented and will come at a later date.
Instance Placeholders
These placeholders can be used when a player is in an instance.
Dungeon Info Placeholders
The name of the dungeon the player is currently in. -
The formal, presentable display name of the dungeon the player is currently in.
Instance Info Placeholders
The instance ID of the dungeon. This is the dungeon name plus a number. -
The number of players in the dungeon instance, including dead players. -
The number of living players in the dungeon instance. -
The number of lives the player has left.
Dungeon-Specific Placeholders
These placeholders can be used by specifying a dungeon name. (Replace [dungeon] with the name of the dungeon.)
How many lives players will start with in this dungeon. -
The minimum number of players needed in a party to enter this dungeon. -
The maximum number of players allowed in a party for this dungeon. -
How long until the player can access this dungeon again.
Party Placeholders
These placeholders can be used when a player is in a party.
The name of the current party's leader. -
The number of players in the current party.
Recruitment Placeholders
These placeholders can be used by specifying a recruiting player's name. (Replace [player] with the name of the player.)
The name of the player hosting this recruitment. Which... you should already have if you've gotten this far. But it's there. -
The label of this player's recruitment listing. -
The description of this player's recruitment listing. -
How many players this recruitment listing needs in total. -
How many players this recruitment listing already has. -
How many players this recruitment listing still needs. (Basically, the amount of spots still available in the party.) -
"Yes" or "No" depending on if this listing requires a password to join.