[Suggestion] Add Targeting options to RandomSpawn conditions
Add targets to mob spawning conditions, such as Conditions:
- blocktype{type=diamond_ore} @BlocksNearOrigin{radius=6} true so that spawn conditions can be based on things other than the exact location the mob is spawned at.
In the above scenario, you can make a mob that only spawns near diamond ores but doesn't necessarily need to be on top of the diamond ore itself. It gives much greater flexibility to random spawns by allowing spawn conditions to be based on mobs, players, and locations near the intended spawn location, not just the mob and spawn location itself.
It could allow players to build temples out of specific block arrangements that would be more likely to spawn certain mobs, or allow mobs to only spawn if near a player under a certain condition or holding a certain item etc. It just gives way more options for what you can do with random spawns
Medium priority, would be super useful but isn't urgent or necessary
Just need to add the @target after the condition to change it from focusing on @selflocation, such as Conditions:
- blocktype{type=diamond_ore} @BlocksNearOrigin{radius=6} true