Projectile does not work properly when at distant coordinates
Summary First of all, I am a translator because I do not speak English.
Minecraft versions 1.17.1, 1.18, and 1.18.2 all work the same. I used the latest development build of mythic mobs version. If I change the version to 5.0.0, it works fine, but if I change it to 5.1.0, this problem occurs. We used version 1.3.1 of the mythic lib.
In Minecraft, the further away from 0 the in-game coordinates are, the less the Projectile will fire properly and straight. For example, when the coordinates are x=200000,z=20000, when the IceBolt in the Projectile example is fired, the attack will not hit the player and will be fired slightly off. The further away the coordinates are, the larger this shift will be.
Steps to reproduce Projectile skills included the following
The rest of the test was done by going to coordinates x=200000,z=20000 in Minecraft and making the mob that activates this skill appear.
Current behavior
All Projectile skills will not work properly. There is no problem with respect to locations where the coordinates are close to zero.
Intended correct behavior
It is the successful operation of the Projectile and the arrival of the skill at the set location.
Server log file Debug log snippet
Same as above.
Proposed fixes
Describe what you think the issue or any potential fixes may be.