Mobs not working on Spigot
MythicMobs not working with latest Spigot builds, mobs and items not behaving as they should be.
Steps to reproduce
Use latest Spigot.jar from BuildTools.jar (GitBash). Use latest MythicMobs development builds Summon the mob and watch the errors pile up, try to fetch the item and get the error.
Current behavior
Mobs cannot perform skills, drop anything, just your buff punching bag (...). Items cannot be given or fetched and will throw an error.
Intended correct behavior
MythicMob item and mob should work as intended as it does on Paper.
Server log file
Proposed fixes Spigot Compatibility (I switched to Paper, Wahrheit told me to make a report... so...)
Server Version git-Spigot-b5a13e6-b8ee6a8 [1.16.2]