Cannot use commands with Mobs overriding VanillaMobs
I updated to the latest dev build and upgraded my server to 1.16.4. Since this I cannot use commands anymore to spawn vanilla mobs overrides. When I use /spawnmob creeper or /mm mobs spawn creeper, it only spawns the vanilla mob without showing any error in the debug or console.
I tried to change the name of those mobs to ensure that mm does not treat it as an override but an separate mob. I switched for example ENDERMITE into ENDERMITE2 and this caused in a lot of error. It spawned a skeleton and spammed my console with errors. I used /spawnmob and /mm mobs spawn.
I found out that by defining the type this error is gone but this is definitely not the default behaviour of mm. When I override a mob in the vanillamobs.yml the name alone defines the type of that mob. It is very interesting that spawneggs and the normal override by spawnevents beside chunk_gen is still working. (chunk_gen got removed and because of this mm cannot override land animals spawning anymore. Would be nice if you can find a solution for this)
Hostile Mobs and sea creatures still get replaced although I cannot spawn them via command anymore.
The problem is that there is no error displayed when I use the normal commands to spawn the vanilla mobs. They simply do not get replaced anymore. I can see nothing in the debug. It seems like mm does not even hook in, which is really weird.