Cooldown no longer works on "OnCooldownSkill" skills.
Purpur 1.21.4 MM 5.8.0 Premium Crucible 2.2.0 Snapshot (fresh download from 2/15/25)
When adding a Cooldown to a meta skill that will be called from the "OnCooldownSkill" from another meta skill, the cooldown skill does not respect the cooldown set on the cooldown metaskill.
Steps to reproduce
Add this item and skills file to your server with mobs and crucible loaded. Then spawn in your item, right click to activate the skill multiple times.
Current behavior
Note that the "TestCooldown" metaskill continues to play, regardless of the cooldown value set on that metaskill.
Intended correct behavior
For the cooldown set on the TestCooldown metaskill to be respected when called from an "OnCooldownSkill" setting of the "TestSkill" metaskill. This was how it functioned in previous versions of mythic mobs.
Server log file
My log file:
Debug log snippet
No debug log necessary
Proposed fixes
I'm not a coder, but probably just a forgotten value somewhere. <3