Bulletmatchdirection attribute does not always work in mob type projectiles
Bulletmatchdirection attribute does not always work in mob type projectiles
**Summary Bulletmatchdirection attribute doesn't work at all or does after time here is a video of how it looks rn https://youtu.be/87dY_Gz684o
Steps to reproduce
here is the skill from the video the https://pastebin.com/B1U2kxb8 the mob that you can see is not working https://pastebin.com/JGwrxefA
i attached a file where you can see that the model is correctly oriented
Current behavior does not rotate or does after 4/5 seconds and after that it doesn't always work
Intended correct behavior rotates at the start of the projectiles
Server log file https://pastebin.com/Pk3hTbTx
Debug log snippet https://pastebin.com/2b0XKM9e
Proposed fixes idk
Describe what you think the issue or any potential fixes may be.