Fancy Drops - Add CMD Support
Most servers use custom plugins that run commands. Fancy drops with commands would be fantastic and they wouldn't need to show any crazy animations but just give the reward to the player
Boss fights could give top 3 players gems, custom currency, crate keys, custom items from other plugins, spawners, and so much much more. Commands could also allow giving eco, exp, and other features.
This would allow many servers to create more in-depth creatures, bosses, and mobs. It's shocking how much VALUE there is thats being untapped
7 - Not game breaking, but also very needed. My server would benefit hugely from this function and right now we have a 3rd party plugin that is working with MM to do this feature already. I'd rather simply have it tucked into the config of MM and even add more extremely easily.
You can either detect who the top killer is to give the command via {top=1} or just create a command placeholder like <player.top1> so that commands could easily be ran like: "cmd=give <player.top1> diamond"