Mythic Placeholders are not processed in the message mechanic when running clickable commands.
Greetings, I would like to report an issue where Mythic Placeholders (in this case <caster.uuid>) are not being processed in a clickable message that runs a command (using the message mechanic).
Here is a snippet of the skill in question:
- message{m="&7-----------------------------------------------------"} @World
- message{m="&a➊ I was just exploring... I didn<&sq>t expect to find a creature as great as yourself."} @World
- message{m="&b➋ Aren<&sq>t you afraid of me?"} @World
- message{m="&r"} @World
- message{m="<hover:show_text:'&eClick to choose'><click:run_command:'/mm signal <caster.uuid> DS2_DragonSpeak_1_1'>&6<&lb>&aReply ➊&6<&rb></click></hover> <hover:show_text:'&eClick to choose'><click:run_command:'/mm signal <caster.uuid> DS2_DragonSpeak_1_2'>&6<&lb>&bReply ➋&6<&rb></click></hover>"} @World
- message{m="&7-----------------------------------------------------"} @World
Here is what I see in Console when a button is clicked:
[18:23:16 INFO]: DragonEye issued server command: /mm signal <caster.uuid> DS2_DragonSpeak_1_1
[18:23:17 INFO]: DragonEye issued server command: /mm signal <caster.uuid> DS2_DragonSpeak_1_2
Version Information:
[18:28:07 INFO]: -------------======== Mythic ========-------------
[18:28:07 INFO]:
[18:28:07 INFO]: Server Version: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_20_R1 (Paper)
[18:28:07 INFO]: Plugin Version: 5.3.2
[18:28:07 INFO]: Plugin Build: 18ded834
[18:28:07 INFO]: Is Premium: Yes
[18:28:07 INFO]: Is Dev Build: No
[18:28:07 INFO]: Supported Version: Yes
[18:28:07 INFO]:
[18:28:07 INFO]: ----------------- -----------------
Thank you for your time.
(The intended action when one of the chat options is clicked is for a signal to be sent to the mob, with <caster.uuid> being the mob. However the <caster.uuid> placeholder is not being replaced with the mob’s UUID. It used to work fine in previous MM versions but broke a few months ago)
(Copied from my previous support forum post which can be found here: