positive decimals not working in some areas especially with teleportto
So basically, when I use my skill - teleportto{location=58.5,108,-58.5}
in the nether dimension, it teleports my mob to x: 0, y: 108, and z: -58.5. So it registers the y and the z coordinate just fine but for some reason it doesn't register the x coordinate or something and it just teleports him to x = 0. This wasn't always the case however, because back when I used this plugin in 1.19 with mythicmobs 5.1.0 free version, this never was an issue. But since I've updated my server to 1.19.3 and my mythicmobs to 5.2.6 free version, I am now having this issue. More info down in server log file section where I have a revelation mid-paragraph about what exactly the problem is.
Steps to reproduce
Step 1) go to nether
Step 2) go somewhere near x: 65, y: 130, z: -64
Step 3) induce - teleportto{location=58.5,108,-58.5}
Step 4) behold the iniquity
Current behavior
What happens currently is that it teleports the mob to 0, 108, -58.5
Intended correct behavior
What should be happening is that it teleports the mob to 58.5, 108, -58.5
Server log file
Also it should be noted that upon further inspection, it appears to say in this console log that it can't parse the placeholder 58.5 many times, and 58.5 is the coordinate that I'm trying to teleport to. Is it possible that the plugin thinks for some reason that 58.5 is a variable or a piece of math even though it's not? Because again, this worked just fine in 1.19 with 5.1.0 free version and I never got this warning in the console log. It also seems to be flagging the 42.5 number in the health option for one of this boss' minions which I never found a problem with, the only one that's actually causing me problems is the - teleportto
skill but this seems to not be not exclusive to - teleportto
. I also have positive decimal KnockbackResistance and MovementSpeed and probably other stuff too so this only seems to be a problem with certain areas of this plugin and I don't know why. UPDATE: I did some further testing and it appears to work if I get rid of the decimal point OR if I make the x value negative which is very very bizarre. I have other mobs on my server whose teleportto mechanics work just fine because their x and y coordinates are negative decimals. So apparently the plugin thinks that positive decimals requires premium.
Debug log snippet
https://pastebin.com/1DugDgnn so basically she gets summoned, gets struck by lightning for like 10 seconds, and then burns for another 30 seconds so that's why you see the spam at the beginning. If you scroll down to where I modify her health to one above the healthgate I have for her, then hit her with a sword, you'll see she gets teleported to the wrong location. She's supposed to teleport to the correct location described above when I pass that healthgate.
Proposed fixes
idk I'm not a code man.