Mythic Mobs samefaction handling not working for players
Mythic just doens't detect the faction of the player [10:22 AM] There is a function: getPlugin().getPlayerManager().getFactionProvider().getFaction(target.asPlayer()) [10:22 AM] This returns no faction [10:22 AM] While it should
Mob's mechanics are still targeting the a player in the same faction as the casting mob, despite the mechanic targeter being flagged with ignore=samefaction
Steps to reproduce
Create a mob with faction: test
Assign player 1 with permission faction.test
Create a mob with the following mechanic
- throw{velocity=10;velocityY=15} @EntitiesInCone{range=5;angle=90;ignore=samefaction}
Attack mob with player 2 while standing directly next to player 1
Both players will be thrown
Current behavior
Right now, @EntitiesInCone{range=5;angle=90;ignore=samefaction} still affects players in the same faction as the casting mob
Intended correct behavior
- throw{velocity=10;velocityY=15} @EntitiesInCone{range=5;angle=90;ignore=samefaction} should not affect a player in the same faction as the mob
Server log file
Debug log snippet
Proposed fixes
Make sure that ignore=samefaction applies for players too (as right now, it only applies for mobs)