Damage mechanic always using unknown damage type in 1.19.4 (Dev build 4479)
Damage mechanic always uses the unknown damage type, causing placeholders like <trigger.name> to break
Steps to reproduce
I tested the bug in multiple ways, the damage mechanic never uses damagetype no matter if it's a player or a mob casting it so it's not an issue with mythicartifacts, but it's the easiest way to reproduce/test the bug:
1- Make a mythicartifact item with damage mechanic with damagetype=sonic_boom @Target ~onUse 2- Make a mythicmobs with damage modifier of sonic_boom to 0 3- You can add a message mechanic that displays <trigger.name> @EntititiesInRadius{r=32} ~onDamaged to the zombie too 4- Use the mythicartifact skill on the mob, the message should display "Unknown" and the mob should die, even though it's supposed to have full resistance against sonic_boom
Current behavior
damagetype option doesn't work
Intended correct behavior
damagetype option works
Extra mob/item files: https://pastebin.com/xsNHgQAN